Girls and Guys

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This is for one of my VERY best friends, she's going through a tough time. It made me realize something so very important, breakups happen for the better or the worse. Girls break with guys, it seems like a b*cht move. But when the girl has a good reason, for the safety of her heart. She is labeled as a heart breaker, when their not. Don't judge someone by their past breakups, it's not our place to judge. Ok now that I've got that cleared up let me get on with this pome that is for my VERY BEST FRIEND/ SISTER.

Love is something we all want in life,
Love hurts us all in different ways.

Love what does it mean?
Love means to stick with the person that YOU care enough about to tell your secrets, to tell someone how your day is, to trust with all your heart.
Love, we all have different versions of it.
Some people never get a chance to see what love is all about, until that one special person comes along and melts their heart of ice that has been put up.
Love is being strong no matter what has happened in the past. Love is over looking that. Love is what you make of it.


I hope pandora works for you and your love gets back on track. This is for everyone who has had a broken heart, for someone who needs a smile. I hope that this helps my VERY BEST FRIEND.

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