Part 5

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We stroll through Manhattan. I feel quite inferior as the people we walk by point, what Bonnie calls, a 'phone', at me. A white flash appears, and Bonnie tells me they are only taking pictures. When she sat me in a small hut where they served a beverage named 'coffee', she told me that people use phones to communicate with each other, take pictures and save them as memories and, are basically an essential for human life. All of this is new to me, and it's fascinating, learning about other species and their different shenanigans.

I am covered in clothes that Bonnie bought for me. A cotton bodice-blanket covers half of my arms and has some form of security in the middle of my stomach going up. A patterned fabric hugs my legs at perfect fit, and I wear these black, polished shoes. A beige-coloured throw-on hangs over my wings and shoulders, keeping the warmth plastered to my body. When I looked in the mirror, I thought it looked a bit strange. But the way people have admired the attire makes me grow into it, though it is something out of my culture.

We come to a bend at the end of the path, and when we turn the corner, a huge tower covers the sky in front of us, shadowing down. It's quite intimidating but breath-taking, all the same time.

Bonnie tugs on my throw-on and pulls me to the side, next to a glass pane of another 'store'.

"Wait here! I ordered a book from this store and I need to pick it up. Don't go anywhere, okay?" She asks with a smile. I nod and she rushes inside. I stand outside and watch with timidity at all the people looking up at me. Without Bonnie, I feel scared. Like, something is going to happen to me.

When I look behind me, more people look up, high in the sky. I look down to the ground, unable to keep my head high with confidence.

When I look back, I realise.

They aren't looking at me...

I follow their gaze to a black figure hanging from the top of the tower, their legs flailing about uncontrollably. I see a couple other figures there, however, they seem to be standing on the tower.

This triggers something in me. This scene looks exactly like the one I experienced on Olympus, where Hera's hand gripped my throat and she hung me over the edge of the cliff, and dropped me without warning. It was an experience from hell. If I never wanted to experience it, I'm sure no one else wants to, either.

Bonnie exits the store and follows everyone else's gaze, her expression changing from concern to worry in a flash.

"What's going on?" She questions. I look down at her but refuse to answer, my anxiety consuming me and deafening my hearing.

I look back up at the scene, and before I knew it, the figure falls, it's black outline falling the height of the tower. People gasp and whisper, some even screaming.

This is it!

I toss my throw-on to the ground and sprint forward, running through the people in front of me. My wing is not healed, but the last thing I want is for someone to experience the hell I've once did.

With one stomp of my foot, I shoot into the sky, the air resistance blowing through my hair. I feel a crack in my wing, and I wince as the suddenness, but the pain is not enough to bring me back down.

I fly as fast as I can to the figure and's a person. The same figure and build as Bonnie. Must be one of her people. A 'human'.

They fall closer and closer to the ground, and my speed increases the closer they get.

I try to spot their arms, and when I do, I push forward. I quickly scoop my hands underneath their arms and pull them up, my feet lightly tapping the ground with how close I was.

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