-♡ Sabine Cerri-Line ♡-

130 3 19

Name -

Sabine Cherri-Line

Age ( preference is over 18 ) -

29 - About a few hundred years old

Nickname(s) -

Wooden Boy


Sapling ( Lover only )

Gender -


Sexuality ( LGBTQIA+ is absolutely allowed :D ) -

Panromanic Asexual
Reasons being I don't think banging wood will be very fun

Appearance -

Appearance -

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He also has very small antlers I keep forgetting to draw ;;

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He also has very small antlers I keep forgetting to draw ;;

Vision -

He's from the city of the Pyro archon and his vision is on his little hat :D

Weapon ( be creative if you wanna !! ) -

Catalist / Bow user ( Ranged weapons basically )

Affliction -

Just a Traveler
He goes with the flow

Region -

Pyro archon ( Forgot the name ;; )

Backstory ( optional ) -
Alrighty, time to go ham with just now thoughts 👀

Sabine was born in a very cool part of the Pyro region. The tree he was born from was very lively and he doesn't know what wood it was but it was magical enough for him to walk now.

Now, Sabine's vision works to protect him sometimes. When you first meet him if he were a real character in Genshin, He'd come off human. Skin and everything. But he refused to touch people in fear he will give splinters to them.

When he's in his ' Human ' form, he's about 6'8 but when he's just normal, wood boy. He's over 7 - 8 ish feet tall. So he's a very toll boy.

Friends -

Baizhu ( They collect herbs together with Sabine knowing which are best for medicine )

Zhongli ( History's nerds )

Diluc ( Sabine never expected to befriend him but they walk and write every now and again )

Xinyan ( He likes her music and enjoys her energy )

QiQi ( He'll babysit if needed or just keep her company )

Love interests ( Main and Back up ) -

Baizhu ( Main )

Zhongli ( Back up )

Extra information -

Sabine is very shy and timid when people comment on his height and how gentle he is. Gentle giant gang 😩😩

— The little antlers he has grow depending on which abilities he uses with his vision

— He's touch starved because of how scared he is to touch people ;;

— His wood is surprisingly very smooth and polished. So it's just his nervousness that stops him from touching people

— His hair, despite it being leaves, is very soft and fluffy. Please ruffle it

— He doesn't get offended over wood jokes like on docks made of wood. But when you comment on him using chopsticks, he'll get offended.

— Before it was known to the ( majority ) of the public that Zhongli was Rex Lapis. Sabine knew way before the death happened and was one of the people who gave Zhongli the thought of retirement because of how concerned Sabine was for the geo God's health

— Sabine can't taste but he loves to eat ;;;;

And there's him :DD I was just doodling one day and made him over the random thought of a Dendro user having antlers ;;;;
I'll get to replying now 😩😩
Tag me 👀👀

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