Jan. 10th 9:19 pm

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I'm writing this not because its creepy.I've also decided to put the time if I need to post multiple things in one day...
I feel like passing out and my legs wont allow me to move... i dont know if i should give into the urge or try to fight it. I feel lightheaded and i hear a slight ring...i dont know what to do, my cat keeps looking out the window and i dont know if i should look or not... I think i just am going to go to bed maybe ill feel better in the morning? I dont know, ill update this once i get up. Hopefully i dont have any nightmares tonight despite not having dreamed for the last week. Idk, im tired i will go to sleep i dont know what to do if i still feel this way in the morning i might ask my mom to see a doctor or something. My knuckles have also turned a purple color like they were bruised and as I'm writing this my hands want to stop moving, i feel as if I'm being immobilized temporarily and it feels like electricity is running through me... I'm going to bed.

Jan. 11th 7 am
Just got up. The electric-y feeling is still there are my muscles are still very very sore... everything else has seemed to go away for now except the tiredness but then again I did just now get up.

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