Jan. 12th

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Good news, I've found ways to distract myself from the bad feeling I get while it doesn't stop the seeing things it helps, I think this is an improvement and as long as I don't let myself notice everything creepy and bad happening I don't get overwhelmed, it is slowly improving but things are only getting worse and so I've taken an ignorance is bliss kind of approach as it's helped so. Guess that's all I really have to say for today. I'm probably not going to have much to say now that I'm ignoring it I'll put updates everyday even if nothing much happens, I'll include any new discoveries or any new symptoms too. I don't really think many people read this but knowing that some people do is all I need, I don't want those reading to take this as a joke. This is to serve as a warning because I don't want anyone to make my same mistake so please. Unless you really have no other option. Don't do this pledge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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