Waltz with Josuke

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Your alarm wakes you up early in the morning. It's another Monday as you prepare yourself for classes. You brush your teeth, looking at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair to make yourself look pretty and fresh for the day. You change your clothes, picking out the best shirt and jeans to compliment each other. Regardless of the shirt, you put on a purple hoodie anyways and pack your things to go to school.

The smell of fresh air enters you through the Autumn season. Leaves begin falling as you walk, music plays in your ears as you prance towards school. You see your friend in the distance close to the entrance. You quickly rush towards them as you give them the biggest hug. You greet your friend with a smile on your face, giving off positive vibes.

"I stayed up all night to do the Biology assignment" Keisha says in an absolute monotone voice. Hearing the words assignment makes you freeze. You forgot to do the assignment as you were too busy watching your favourite kdrama. You swiftly freak out and ask your friend for the papers.

"Just don't copy word for word please, we would both get zeros". Keisha hands you the papers as you see pages filled with paragraphs, despite being filled with grief, you thank her for saving your life and promise to get the work done during lunch break. You both head for your first class of the day, that being Chemistry.

Keisha has been your childhood friend ever since 4th Grade. She has always had your back when it came to your personal problems and bullies. The older boys always picked on you for being slightly overweight. But Keisha always had your back and fought them. Keisha is someone reliable in your life as you can depend on her for being there for you. She supported you and your life choices as you decided to start dieting and lose weight. She made sure you stayed on track and never let you cheat on acheiving your goals. She is truly the bestest friend you could have ever asked for.

Time flies through Chenistry as the lunch bell rings. You make your way through the crowded halls as you navigate to the school library. Carrying all your books and papers with you in both hands. You begin to find a seat at a desk and begin copying down the sheets of paper Keisha gave you. You completely ignore the fact that your handwriting is messy and change up a couple of sentences and words to make it seem like you didn't copy. Just as you finish copying halfway, Keisha comes by and sits next to you offering you a cookie from the cafeteria.

"You shouldn't skip your meals you know, now take this and eat it". Keisha feeds you as you write down your answers for Biology. Her thoughtfulness makes you happy as you work harder to finish before lunch is over. As you finally finish copying, your hand becomes darkened by the graphite pencil, you let out a large sigh and complain about how life will never get any better. Lunch then concludes as the bell rings, Keisha takes her notes back and heads to Biology as you take your time to gather your belongings.

You start getting ready to go to Biology as you hold your belongings with both hands, firmly grasping your books. Out of nowhere, the next turn you take to class, you bump into Josuke. He's a year older than you and is a senior at your school. He's popular among the basketball team and wrestling team as he is known for being athletic. He greets you with a smile with glimmering eyes as he begins to pick your books up from off the ground. His black turtleneck sweater shows off his masculine build. His hair as luscious as silk. His hands decorated with rings. He then asks if youre ok. You answer him shyly as you thank him for helping you. He then hands you your books as he takes off, again apologizing for bumping into you. You're left there startstruck and speechless.

Your heart races as you watch him merge into the large crowd of students. You're left standing still for a couple of seconds before someone slightly bumps into you, causing you to regain your senses. You quickly scurry to Biology class as you sit down in your seat and take a couple of deep breaths. You think back to his face, seeing his warm innocent smile, his body ever so lean, and his hair shimmering with stars. Thinking back to him causes you to blush as Keisha asks you whats wrong as she plops down next to you. You tell her you were only nervous about not being able to finish copying, but you tell her you're glad you did. You tell her nervously as you hide the fact that your heart was beating fast because of Josuke.

All throughout class, you couldn't forget about Josuke. You always kept remembering his sweet presence and pure aura. You dreamed about him, you fantasized about him. But finally, you came to a conclusion that none of it will ever happen since he is popular in the school, compared to you who is basically a nobody. As the teacher calls on everyone to submit their assignment, you were to distracted to hear the teacher until Keisha slapped the back of your head with her assignment to wake you up from your daze.

"Wake up dreamer, are you lost? Lol, come on now, lets go hand in our assignment". You follow Keisha to the teachers desk and go back to your seat. You continue to daydream about Josuke and all the things you would do together. You thought about going to the beach with him, seeing him shirtless, exposing his abs as he splashes you in the water, his hair getting slightly wet as you splash him back. He then flips his hair back dramatically, his hair whips up and down getting the water out. He fixes his hair as he flexes both arms up to run his hair back into its dreamy shape. He purposely teases you with his muscles as he catches you off guard and splashes you back. But sadly, all dreams come to an end as the days final bell rings, with the wave of students ready to go home.


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