First (Official) Pack Christmas

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Ship(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Sterek), Allison Argent/Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Kira Yukimara/Cora Hale, Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar (Thiam), Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Cora Hale, Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey, Kira Yukimara, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Jordan Parrish, Malia Tate
Warnings: Drinking, Drunk Character
Word Count: 6520
Written: 2021

Lydia Martin is the queen of parties, she had been since they were still in High School. Somehow Stiles had watched her talk Derek into letting them use his place for this party, granted it was only going to be their pack... Stiles was sure that the outcome would have been different if anyone else was invited. Stiles watched the five-foot three-inch girl demand Derek into both attending and participating in the festivities... he watched the alpha even relent to let her be in charge. Lydia was a force to reckon with, she was the type to get her way no matter the cost, and Stiles found her terrifying. Stiles knew that the redheaded girl could kill him in an instant if she deemed it a necessity.

Lydia was firm that they needed to celebrate together as a pack. Stiles remembered that he had been the first to bring up the idea as more of a joke but that was months ago... Lydia took the idea seriously and ran with it pulling Stiles into the planning. The closer the day got, the less he wanted to follow through... even after the countless hours that he personally had put into making it happen. This year was a first, he always looked forward to holidays and spending the day with the people he cared about... but this year he would much rather spend the day locked in his room alone playing video games. This year they didn't even decorate the house and it was more due to the sole fact that the boy had no drive. Once Lydia started to insist that he still go he figured that he might as well give in and go because once she set her mind on something there was no stopping her... Stiles knew that he was going even if Lydia had to drag him out of his house kicking and screaming... he didn't put something that low above her.

Everyone knew that Stiles and Lydia had a short-lived attempt at dating during their senior year of high school... they figured out that they were better as best friends and nothing more. They didn't "break up it was more like they dissolved into a comfortable friendship. The pair were still touchy and clingy to the point that even three years later they were still mistaken for a couple... but their romantic feelings laid elsewhere. Lydia was head over heels for her boyfriend Jordan while Stiles had to deal with his unrequited feelings enigma that was Derek. He trusted Lydia with all of his secrets, he knew that she would never share them without permission... it was nice to have someone to confide everything in without a fear in the world.

Stiles didn't have the spirits this year, all he wanted was to wallow in his room or spend more time with his dad. It wasn't that he was avoiding the pack -he was- but he wasn't sure he wanted to be at the packhouse for the holidays. Lydia had vetoed that plan, she wasn't about to let him stay at his house alone... everyone knew that Noah always took a shift either Christmas eve or Christmas day. She knew that it wouldn't be all that good for her friend to stay locked up in his room avoiding everyone.

The last year had been hard on them, but it was harder on Stiles then the other. Lydia had noticed that he wasn't acclimating all that well into this situation as he had when it happened to Scott... but you could argue that everything was different now that he was going through this. Stiles had nearly died back in March which forced Derek to do the only thing that might save him... and Stiles was still pissed about it, but no one was going to let him die because he deserved better than to go out that way. Yet, Stiles didn't see it like that, he once spat, 'that he would have died a hero if they had left him and did what needed to be done'... and 'he was willing to self-sacrifice'. Lydia threw his words back at him a reminder that his death wouldn't affect him but everyone who had ever loved and cared about him. As if he was a child he stormed off, not wanting to hear the truth. Stiles was the type of tired and that sunk into your bones and wore you out to the point you didn't want to exist anymore. Maybe a party was what he needed to get back into good spirits. Lydia was insistent on everyone being there but it was more for Stiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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