Mirrored Disbelief (Phases 1-3)

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Why has it come to this? Why did it have to be this way?


I don't know... I never wanted this, but I must stop the Human.

They have to pay.




DB: Dustbelief

DT: Dusttrust


DB!Papyrus stood in Judgement Hall where he would fight Frisk. His smile was insane.

He then turned his attention to the figure across the Hall. His eyes widened.

It was Sans, but he looked different.

DB!Papyrus gripped the two Swords he had. He didn't believe it was his brother.

He stepped forward with two purple Swords in his hands, just like DB!Papyrus



They both then went silent.

"You are not my Brother." They both said.

Their ghost partners appeared beside them. DB!Sans and DT!Papyrus.

"Kill him." They said.

Battle Begin/Phase 1: Demonic Reflection

The ghosts disappear before Papyrus ran forward and slashed. Sans blocked and pushed him back.

Sans summoned a Gaster and fired it at Papyrus. Papyrus dodged and sent sharp bones at Sans.

He dodged them and attacked Papyrus with his Swords. Bones filled the corridor as Sans and Papyrus dodged crazily.

"ENOUGH!" Papyrus shouted before grabbing his Soul with blue Magic and throwing him to the ceiling.

Gaster Blasters were summoned and fired at Sans as he ran along the ceiling. His Soul turned to normal as he jumped down to stab Papyrus.

He dodged to the side and slashed Sans.

-22 HP

Sans smile dropped before turning back into an Insane smile.

He took a step back before sending dozens of sharp bones at Papyrus. Papyrus summoned a wall of bones to block them.

Papyrus' eyes glowed brightly before sending dozens of sharp bones of his own. Sans sent dozens of sharp bones of his own too.

Sans went to slash Papyrus, but was thrown to the wall by Papyrus. Bones came from the walls as Sans ran along the wall.

Sans jumped from the wall as his Soul turned to normal and stabbed Papyrus.

-19 HP

Papyrus stepped back and sent Sans all the way to the back. Papyrus laughed maniacally and summoned dozens of Gaster Blasters and fired them. Sharp bones were sent too.

Sans ran and slashed the bones and dodged the Blasters. He then boosted himself upwards with a bone and went to slash Papyrus.






Papyrus and Sans dropped to the ground exhausted.

"Heh..." Sans coughed out. "I won't let you win."

Sans slowly stood up. Papyrus did the same.

Phase 2: Undesireable Revenge

A crazed smile was seen on Sans and Papyrus' faces. At the same time, they both sent dozens of sharp bones.

Sans ran to Papyrus and slashed many times. Papyrus dodged and sent him at the ceiling with blue magic.

Bones immediately came out as Sans dodged them. Gaster Blasters were summoned and fired at Papyrus.

Papyrus then slammed Sans back down and slashed. Sans took a sidestep as Papyrus slashed again.

Sans attacked with his Swords making Papyrus dodge.

The two kept on slashing and dodging and blocking. They were getting tired.

Papyrus then laughed crazily and summoned dozens of Gaster Blasters around Sans.

Sans grinned and ran in circles before using a Gaster Blaster to boost himself upwards and landing a Final Hit on Papyrus.


Papyrus blocked it with his Swords.

"Heh..." Sans said weakly.

"No." A voice said.

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to Sans.

It was DT!Papyrus.

"I won't let you die to him." DT!Papyrus said.

DB!Papyrus remained silent then grinned. A figure appeared next to DB!Papyrus.

It was DB!Sans.

"Papyrus." DB!Sans said. "Let's kill then together."

DB!Papyrus nodded.

Phase 3: Midnight Slaughter

The four figures stood with Insane smiles on their faces. Moonlight fills the corridor.

Their eyes glowed brightly as bones covered the ground.

The four skeletons got on their own Gaster Blasters. DT!Sans and DT!Papyrus summoned Gaster Blasters and fired.

DB!Papyrus and DB!Sans dodged and sent dozens of sharp bones at them.

The bones disappeared as the four dropped to the ground.

DT!Papyrus summoned a Gaster Blaster and fired it as DT!Sans shot dozens of sharp bones.

DB!Sans summoned a Gaster Blaster of his own and fired it as DB!Papyrus shot dozens of sharp bones.

The Beams collided as the bones disintegrated. More Gaster Blasters were summoned and fired causing a huge explosion.




This was unexpected...


I was expecting the Human, but I got an imposter instead. Two of them.




Vote for Phase 4: Divine Insanity




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