Chapter 5: tents

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As Leslie and Daisy talked, Crimson stared from her tent. 'That girl won't last three days here.' She thought as she shook her head and made her way over to the two.

Upon seeing her, Leslie's face contorted into one of fear and annoyance. That threw Crimson off, seeing the young girl's grey eyes. They held something, but Crimson couldn't figure out what. All she knew is that it made her feel an indescribable anger.

"Daisy, do you mind making a tent for our...guest?" She motions to Leslie and gives her an agitated look. Daisy caught on and nods quickly, running off. Crimson stared at Leslie and growls. "If you lay a finger on anyone here, I'm leaving you to perish." To this, the young girl smiled. It almost looked unreal, how the corners of the young girl's mouth slowly spread into one of something so...unnerving.

"I don't need your warning, just stay out of my way." She flicks the spider woman on the top of her forehead and walks away without the smile she once had.

Had she gone crazy? Crimson didn't know. She huffs and goes back to her tent.

Meanwhile, Daisy had finished Leslie's tent and called her over. "I finished your tent! It's custom, so it goes along with how you want it when you step in!" She giggles.

Leslie nods at her and steps in. The was infinite. Her eyes darted around the black and white void, looking for at least something. Daisy steps in as well, immediately fascinated by the place.

"These are your thoughts, huh? Just a blank infinity?" She asks. The girl flinches, with a slight growl as she stepped back. Daisy looked confused, watching as Leslie's face quickly became calm again, only to look agitated in just a couple seconds, watching as Crimson peered in.

"Hey, are you okay? You look out of it.." Daisy remarks. The girl quickly nodded, noticing as the spider mutant ran off. "Yeah...sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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