Chapter one: Stumbling

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A young girl, around the age eleven or twelve wandered around a heavily wooded area. She wandered far enough to find that she could not see daylight, or find the way she took. In fear, she ran in a hopeless direction, hoping to see daylight once more.

Quickly gasping for air, she had been running for what felt like hours, before seeing light. However, the girl felt as if she were being watched. Quickly, she turned around and checked in the nearby bushes and trees, but found no one around.

As she carefully walked, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched. Finally coming to the light, she noticed as it was a gate reflecting the moon's light. She tilts her head. Why would there be a gate?? She looks around to see concrete walls and abandoned banners. 'It's getting dark...I need to find shelter..' she thought.

The young girl gave a heavy push on the rusty bars of the gate, and to an avail, they opened with a loud creak. She looks around the darkened place, she felt something. uneasiness. As she took a few steps onto the moisten dirt, she shivers.

As she walks further, the girl heard...laughter coming from behind. Immediately, her body was riddled by fear as she quickly turned around to see no one there. Turning back around, the young girl bumped into

The warmth of what she ran into was higher than what the outdoors held out for her. She gets a feel for what she ran into, discovering a ratted old suit and tie, and plastic for the upper feeling. She gives a look up and sees bright yellow eyes looking down at her.

Almost immediately, she backs away and screams, but the being didn't seem frightened. Getting a good look at the silhouette, she discovers the stranger had a cat's tail and worn down rabbit ears, and hair that went down to the upper arm.

The creature responded to her screaming by putting a gloved hand over her mouth. Rapid footsteps are heard rushing towards the sight. The being must have heard her heartbeat, as he let her go.

The other strangers approached, peering down at the petrified young girl. One of the shorter ones, presumably a girl with pigtails, asked; "what's your name? You don't look like us at all."

The young girl stopped, and examined her. Perhaps she was friendly? Green eyes always meant friendly, right? As she confidently swallowed, she said her name the best she could.

"Leslie....Leslie Miller. Who..W-Who are you...?"

The yellow eyed Cabbit spoke. "Your new family."

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