chapter 1

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Y/n L/n P.o.v.

"Hey, it's Zombie girl!"

"Ooh, Zombie! There's a zombie that eats brains!"

"Eww, she's so disgusting, makes me want to puke."

"She's basically dead."

"How can her parents love her with that ugly look? I'm surprised they didn't dump her in garbage yet."

Whispers can be heard as she walked down the halls, glances and disgusted expressions seen.

The nickname, "Zombie girl" has been going around the campus for months, popular amongst graduating students and passed down to new ones and second years.

She, (name) (last name) recognized by everyone by Zombie girl throughout the campus, hated by everyone, disgusted, feared, disturbed, and angered by them.

Decorated with terrifyingly pale blue skin, littered with veins visible as light and dark, dull (eye color) eyes that would pierce through one's soul and read one's thoughts. She was a petrifying sight to look at, one would collapse just by looking at her. 

And with her appearance, she was treated differently, like junk being thrown randomly at the streets sometimes on a trashcan. An individual who doesn't deserve to be treated like everyone else.

That was what society thinks of her. Ugly, Disgusting. 

She truly believed that no one is built ugly or disgusting, what's wrong is that the society's full of judgemental people. She clung to those words tightly, afraid to let go or she'll die.

She always tried ignoring the hushed whispers she knew were negative, disturbing glances and glares and mocking laughs yet, not a day goes by that they forgot to remind her of who she really was to them. An outsider, A piece of junk. A walking dead.

She, an individual who has experienced the worst at school, has heavily influenced the way she approaches things. She wasn't as numb, she wasn't emotionless, she wasn't as empty. She was just careful, fearful of every moving thing around her.

Bullying was a common occurrence, it was part of her daily routine at the campus. Although she was treated worthlessly, she wasn't as affected by their physical damage, what caused her the most pain was their words. Not their actions.

"Did you really think that you, a transfer will be treated like royalty by everyone!? I'm the Princess, I'm the royalty here, I am the ruler of this school." Exclaimed an all too familiar voice around the corner.

"N-no.." They sobbed, shielding themselves using their hands.

" Give me her bag." They demanded.

With no complaint, their minions gave them the victim's bag from the floor, looking at them with nothing but pleasure and entertainment. Said leader then used the object as a weapon and mercilessly attacked their victim using it.

Witnessing the event in front of her, she couldn't help but grit her teeth. (Name) couldn't endure the scene before her, she experienced the same and knew how painful it was. She knew how it is to be the victim.

She didn't want another to be like her.

With anger, she walked towards the commotion with a rather intimidating expression painted across her face, the aura surrounding her was dark, threatening, and frightening. And still, the bullies didn't coward, instead, they hissed at her arrival. Pissed because of her arrival, cutting off their fun.

"What are you doing here, Zombie girl?" They rose a brow at her, hatred burned inside them.

"Grab her will you!? She'll get what she deserves after I'm done with this little scum." They glared at their helpers who complied without a word and grabbed (name)'s arms, raising her up so that her feet wouldn't touch the floor while the other beat the transfer to hell and back.

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