Ch3: Highway to Hell

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Ch3: Highway to Hell

Kira's P.O.V:

I leaned my head against the window and glanced at the watch in despair. 

Pushing the buttons on Lisa's phone, I placed the device against my ear and waited for the other end to pick up.

"Hi! You have reached the mobile of Jessica Alison from Home to Home and I am sorry to inform you that you just missed me. If you would like to place an appointment-"

"For fuc-" Lisa cursed, but got cut off as she changed lanes.

"Sakes," she managed to finish and flipped a maniac driver off.

"Why is she selling houses if she's never available?" I wanted to know, legit staring my sister down for answers.

She glanced over to where I was strapped into the seat and shrugged her shoulders.

"Hell if I know, Kikky. These people have so much money and ours is just a pebble in the pond to them. We are only there to fill their children's pocket money fund."

I glanced down at my strappy black heels. This was literally the only pair of something nice that I owned.

"I also want a spending money fund," I whined at Lisa.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, so do I. Maybe get your fantasy sex man to buy us a house somewhere fancy. Oooh maybe close to the beach. Or somewhere woodsy," Lisa puckered her lips in a pout and put on her indicator to signal her movement.

"He is not a fantasy sex man," I retorted, feeling hot in the face.

Lisa started laughing a little like a psycho at me, but suddenly pulled a face at the driver that overtook her.

"Sorry you got interrupted like a teenager, but I legit thought you were with someone. I swear you were talking to him like he was there."

Lisa pulled to the side of the road to let a car pass that was honking on his horn like his life depended on it. He flashed his lights to thank her and she waved a hand.

"You're welcome!" She said in great enthusiasm like the guy could hear her.

"It was a very detailed dream."

"Was he hot? Who am I kidding, of course he was or you wouldn't be sweating the way you were. Dang girl, we seriously need some guy time. I'm off in two days, how about we go out to that mexican restaurant and grab a couple of drinks?" Lisa suggested excitedly.

"Who's going to pay for it?" I asked, pulling my brows in a halfmoon over my face.

"Not us. Gina's going there for her sister's birthday and invited us to some drinks. I just forgot to tell you about it."

I mused over that for a while, opening and closing the game I was on to refresh my score.

Lisa's phone dinged loudly, but I swiped it to the side, dismissing the notification.

"Well I don't think it's a terrible idea. And I'm up for some hot wings. Ohhh maybe I can get me one of those sombrero drinks like the last time," I pushed a few buttons on the phone, cursed when I failed because of another notification and tried my game again.

"It's called habaneros, sombrero is the hat, idiot," Lisa was saying, but her phone went off so many times that I was cursing almost as loud as the notifications and could barely hear her over the noises.

"Let me see that. It could be work," Lisa said, extending her hand for her phone.

I minimise my game and placed the shocking pink phone in the middle of her palm.

"Shit, Kir, why didn't you tell me I have so many notifications?" Lisa exclaimed in shock, averting her eyes every now and then to not roll the car over.

"Could you not hear your very loud and irritating pings as they came through?" I asked her in a all sarcastic tone of voice.

"Well, I did... I just didn't think... Shit. Here hold the steering wheel," Lisa let go of the wheel as she said it and I blinked stupidly at her for a second before the car buckled in the road a little.

"Kira!" Lisa exclaimed and I jumped to action.

"Whatthefrack Lis, are you trying to kill us?" I shouted at her, numb with the fright I got.

"Okay, fine, I'm going to pull over. I need you to drive us. I need to be at work by 11. Apparently one of our temps got the flu and they need me there to train today."

I mentally face palmed myself. Why today of all days.

"Why do I need to drive us?" I asked, irritation and a little bit of desperation clear in my voice.

"Because all of that notifications is emails I need to answer or Susan will be on my case and she's waiting for a opportunity, any opportunity to skin me and wear it as a cape. So please, pretty please. Can you do this for me?" Lisa was practically begging, slowly bringing the car to stillstand in the middle of the busy road.

There were cars honking from all directions and she stuck her head out in irritation.

"I put on the hazards, drive AROUND me you lazy-"

Another honk and a few pissed off drivers flipped her off before following her advice and reversed a little to drive around the car. A few of them stared them straight in the eye and cursed them.

"Fine, but I haven't driven in a while," was all I said when I saw the desperation in my sisters eyes.

Her eyes lit up almost instantly.

"Eeek, thank you your the best sister ever I love you," She rambled off.

I rolled my eyes as we climbed out and switched seats.

I pondered if I wanted to drive without shoes and then finally, after a moment of hesitation, decided against it. Better I do it right.

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