Part 7

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(Written by Luna, Alastair and Cris; yes. For cute moments XD)

He'll be seeing me far sooner then he expects actually, I laugh a bit to myself as he leaves. You'd think he would have questioned me on how I knew when his game was but nope! This is going to be interesting.

I shake my hair out a bit as I head to the bedroom and open the large closet as I take out the suit and put it on. I go to the bathroom and take the comb I left there along with some water. Making it a little messier than usual as I grab a face mask and putting it in my pocket as I grab my wallet and slip my keycard into it. I put that in my other pocket as I go to leave but quickly remember my phone and pick it up from the kitchen counter and put it in my pocket with the face mask.

I leave the room and walk down the stairs hurriedly as I button the suit jackets buttons. I get to the bottom step and walk up to the receptionists' desk as she blushes. She's likely still embarrassed by the complete rejection, "I was told a car would be here in five or so minutes. Am I correct?" I ask her as she looks outside where cars will be and she motions to the doors.

"They got here early, your manager and the coaches of the teams want to talk to you," she says as I bow my head slightly in a thank you and leave the hotel seeing a limo as I enter it and sit next to my manager.

I bow my head to the older men before they put their hands out and I shake them, my manager has his arms crossed. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sawamura," one of the coaches says as I smile and nod. "So Eijun, what do you plan to do for the half time and before the game?" The other asks as I scowl a bit at the use of my given name.

"I'd rather you don't call me by my given name, sir. That's only for those close to me," I say as he bows his head in apology, "though I was informed I'd be asked questions at the start so I'll just joke a bit for that. Though for the mid-break I think I have an idea for a song to sing," I say before everyone in the limo smiles at what I said as the limo starts driving.

Then a knock resounds on the limo door and we stop again. The door opens and Ryōsuke pokes his head in, "sorry to intrude, but we don't have anyone to look after Tami for the game and I don't know what I should do..." he says as I chuckle slightly at his instincts to look after Tami.

"Why don't you look after the girl Sawamura?" My manager asks and I'm a bit surprised and Ryōsuke looks to be a bit shocked before Tami pokes her head in and get in smiling brightly after she saw me. I pick her up and put her on my lap as I pinch her nose lightly and gasp. "Where has your nose gone?" I ask as she giggles and touches her nose, "it's right here!" Ryōsuke laughs a bit as I see him leave and the car door shut.

Tami looks curiously at the others in the car before getting a bit shy and hugging me, "Tami, you ready to see your Dad and papa in a game today," one of the coaches says as I notice it's the one that said my given name. He must be the Giants' coach, Tami hugs closer to me as I bounce her a bit.

"Tami, would you like to come out with me when I'm answering questions and singing?" I ask as she looks at me with her eyes shining in happiness, "I get to go out with you?!" She asks as I chuckle and look to my manager who just smiles and nods. "Of course Tami but you have to be good and stay with me," I say as she nods and I hold her close to me as I hum and she starts humming with me slightly until the car stops.

The coaches get out first and walk to the teams as I step out holding Tami who squeals a bit at Ryōsuke who walks over and picks her up for a second, bouncing her in his arms.

"You be good for papa and dad, okay? Also, behave for your uncle..." he says as he kisses Tami's head as she nods before I take her back. "If anything happens to Tami.." Ryōsuke starts as kuramochi walks over and interrupts him by pecking him on the lips. "Tami will be fine Ryō if you didn't think that then you wouldn't let her stay with Sawamura in the first place," he says as the both walk off.

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