Part 9 (end)

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Time goes on and waits for no man or woman, sometimes you never notice when the things you love are taken away so quickly. "Eijun, you need to go back to Nagano," I hear over the phone in my left hand as I'm holding Miyuki's hand with my right. "Did something happen?" I ask as the line goes silent, deadly silent. I feel my heart still as I let go of Miyuki's hand and stand up, holding the phone with both hands.

I didn't hear that right, did I? They aren't gone... no. "Pardon, did I mishear you? They can't be... please say I heard you wrong! Please!" I pace the lounge area as I drop my right hand, drumming a tune against my leg. The response on the other line has me drop my phone, Miyuki is now standing pulling me against him as I stay still and silent. My family's gone, I didn't even get a chance to meet them since I got back.

This isn't right! They shouldn't be gone... I close my eyes before slightly holding onto Miyuki. "My family's gone," I say as he rubs my back and I just hold onto him. Nothing can be done about this, my grandad and mother are gone. My father probably off doing god knows what, not caring that his family is gone basically.


Miyuki took me down to the restaurant to eat with everyone else. I'd rather have not but it's better to at least seem normal, I sit at a table with Miyuki as menus are put in front of us. Tami walks over to me and pulls my leg as I smile slightly and put her on my lap, "Hi Tami, shouldn't you be with your parents?" I ask as she looks at me worried and pats my cheek lightly. "Not when Sawamura is sad. I'd rather cheer you up," she says with a smile as I ruffle her hair and smile weakly, she sadly can't help and is way too young to know of these things.

"I appreciate it Tami but you should be with your parents," I say as I put her down and she pouts at me but Ryōsuke comes and picks her up. "If you need to talk to someone we're all here for you.." he says as I just nod and stand, Miyuki goes to stand as well but I shake my head and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm not feeling that hungry, you eat though," I say with a smile before walking off back to my room.

When I get in I curl up under the covers and try to sleep, sleeping is better than not sleeping after all. Is my last thought as darkness surrounds me and I fall asleep.


I wake up n hour or so later, seeing rain running down the windows as I watch some of them fall down the window at different speeds. Why did I wake up? I hear a knock and I just think it might be thunder but then I hear it again as I figure out it's someone at the door. I get up out of bed and flatten my hair a bit as I open the door to Miyuki, he smiles soothingly as I let him in. I walk back to the bed and lay down as I go back to watching the rain falling down the windows.

"You know... you have everyone worried," I hear Miyuki say as I curl the blanket over my shoulders. I feel a slight amount of cold air as Miyuki gets in with me and hugs me from behind, I hold his hands as I watch the rain. "I know... but I really didn't want to eat or worry them too much by staying," I say as I glance at him and then back at the window.

It brings me some piece seeing rain, makes me kind of feel that it's crying for me. Peaceful and sweet as well, the rain has its own music that many don't notice. Which I find odd as it's some of the best music out there, made by nature to help plants grow and also as a source of peace.

One that I love wherever I go.. the saddest reality is when rain isn't common somewhere as those people never hear the beauty of rain like other places. Rain is a melody that many musicians try and harness the sound of though most times it just sounds like a trill that isn't as nice as actual rain.

Sleep overcomes me as I drift into a world of unconscious thoughts.


I didn't take Miyuki with me when I left for Nagano as I know it was better he staying in Tokyo, he has a team that needs him right now and they should all be happy without me bringing the mood down.

I walk in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie, into the funeral home. As everyone gave me slight hugs and muttered words I couldn't understand. I couldn't as I was still in a state of shock. I was led to the family room where I sat alone... my dad isn't coming as I predicted. I sigh as I sit in the small room, the shock of them being gone still not settling in just yet. I was upset before but it's like my brain is telling me they may still come back. I hear the creaking of a door as multiple footfalls are heard enter the room. I keep my head down kind of ignoring whoever it may be... until.

I feel someone small hug my leg and I look up a little to see Tami in a little black dress, I look at her confused as someone sits next to me and pulls my head into their chest. I don't fight them as I know who it is and I can't will myself to fight. "I said for you not to come. You and your team just won something huge," I say solemnly as I hear others sit down. I don't need to look at them to know it's his entire team. They all knew me and him so of course they wouldn't let him come alone, as Tami proves that.

"Thank you," I say as I hug Miyuki slightly, Tami leaning against me on the other side.

Throughout the entirety of the speeches and everything, I stayed sort of emotionless, until they closed the curtains. Then it was like a flood gate was let open as I hugged Miyuki tightly, tears streaming down my face. They're gone...


One good thing that came from that experience was that I knew I could trust Miyuki from that moment on. I loved him and he loves me, we know that as now it's been a year. We live together now and I'm the happiest I have ever been, he's one thing that I can't wait to see when I wake up or each night I go to bed. He's the one I believe I will stay with forever. If that means getting married in another country or just staying as we are I want to stay with him.

Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnn, that's the end. Maybe a second book eventually but this was supposed to be a short little thing. Hope you enjoyed, look out for a sequel (maybe in Tami's Pov)

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