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The two men walked deeply into the woods of Huaicang Mountain. But this time, they weren't here for an arm. They were here on account of reports of evil energy. And because Huaisang didn't feel like solving it himself, and instead answering with his iconic line, "I don't know!"

"Ah, Nie Xiong really does not know anything, does he?" Wuxian asked, inattentively twirling Chenqing as they continued to wonder about. Wangji nodded his head slightly, looking around as they traveled farther.

They continued to travel before the found a cave. Wuxian finally averted his attention from his flute to the cave. Wangji's gaze darkened as they both entered the cave. "It's lit up on the walls, do you think this was made by people?" Wuxian asked, Wangji nodded to his question as he grabbed his hand and headed to the place that the lanterns lead to.

It then led to a big rotunda in the cave, with a complicated circle in the floor. Wuxian walked up to the circle and looked at it a bit more, before turning to Wangji. "Like the circle in Demon-Subdue palace??" He asked, Wangji shook his head, while speaking softly, "This is made of fresh blood. Human blood. The strokes in it are different, I don't think we can mend it."

Wangji sat down, pulling it out his guqin, beginning his Soul Association while Wuxian wondered around. He walked around the whole interior, feeling around on the cave walls until he pushed something that made the circle turn and mend into power.

Wangji got up and put his guqin away as both him and Wuxian stared at the glowing circle in front of them. He grabbed a rock and threw it at the circle but it vanished as it touched the ground. "Lan Zhan. Is this a bad thing?" He asked, Wangji shook his head once again. "There's no resentment energy. No dead spirits. I don't think it's evil." Wuxian looked at him and smiled in a mischievous way.

"Alright!" He shouted as he stepped into the circle, vanishing as quickly as the rock did. "Wei Ying—" Wangji said but he was too late, he sighed in slight disappointment as he too decided to step into the circle, vanishing just like his husband. After they did, the circle closed back up and was inoperable.

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