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Yibo and Zhan stared at Wuxian for a long minute. "So you're telling me you hunt evil things and do magic tricks?" Yibo asked, Wuxian sort of gave a offended look, "Its not silly magic tricks, it's cultivation." He said with a slight pout, Yibo nodded "Sorry, cultivation, and you live in a town called Gusu?" Wangji nodded, Wuxian happily added "Oh and were married!" He said with such happiness.

Zhan looked at them with a slight smile "Neat. Anyway, how are we supposed to get you two back?? Y'all obviously don't live here.. in this time. So ho-" he was saying before he was interrupted by a ring. Wuxian looked around like a lost dog, "What was the noise? Are we gonna die?? Oh no, is there another dog?? Lan Zhan-" Yibo laid back on the couch, laughing a bit, "It's called a doorbell, it lets us know when someone visits us." He said, Zhan got up and went to the door and opened the door, revealing a rather excited but tired Wang Zhuocheng. "Cheng!" Zhan said as he let Zhuocheng into the house, Wuxian looked at him, "Cheng?? Jiang Cheng???" He said in a sort of excited tone.

Wangji shook his head, "He isn't wearing purple." Wuxian pouted, Zhuocheng looked at both Wuxian and Wangji and back at Zhan, "Are the okay?" He said, Yibo got up and shrugged a bit, "They say they're from a "cultivation" world, whatever that means, they don't know anything in this time, they didn't know what a doorbell was." Zhuocheng broke out into a small laughter, "Seriously?? Are you saying they time traveled??" He said, Wangji looked at him, "We went into a cave, found a circle, and he jumped onto the circle and he disappeared, he's kind of dumb but I had to follow him." He said with a stern face. The three others blinked, "Well they're surely not from our time then, look at their outfits, and their hair, it's cool, we don't do that." Zhuocheng said, throwing himself on the couch.

Wangxian just stared at them in confusion. Zhan sat on top of Zhuocheng and totally began to ignore Cheng's screams of suffocation. "So you said you came from a mountain right?" Wangji nodded while Wuxian was trying to contain in his laughter. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan look, it's like me and Jiang Cheng!" He said while laughing pointing to Zhan sitting on Zhuocheng while Zhuocheng was still screaming at him to get off. Zhan tilted his head at them with a slight smile before getting off of Zhuocheng. Zhuocheng, half out of breath, popped up and grabbed Xiao Zhan by his collar, "What the hell?! How dare you!"

He said before rolling his eyes and letting him go, "I brought wine but nevermind, ungrateful brat." He said, flicking Zhan's forehead before sitting. Zhan rolled his eyes as well, "So a mountain, do you remember which mountain?" He asked, although the other two shook their head, "Where we are, it's called Huaicang, I doubt you have a mountain like that? " Wuxian asked, the 3 in front of them all shook their head in response. "Nope, nothing like that, me and Bo found you near the woods of a mountain, how about we go there?" Zhan responded

Wangji shook his head, "The circle to create the passage way back to our home, often changes places in new mountains if there isn't a temple surrounding it." Zhuocheng stared in disbelief, "I really hope this doesn't mean we have to go through every single mountain in China?" He asks, Zhan shrugged his shoulders, "We might, how about we try the mountain you came from, if not, we'll try different ones, the mountains aren't that steep here anyways"* The surrounding 4 nodded at Zhan's proposal and got ready, Wuxian being Wuxian smuggled an alcohol bottle on the way.

Authors Note: Hello guys! I'm so sorry this took so long, I would like to let you know I am currently working on a real book at the moment and exams which is why I have never had enough time to write this, I will continue this but updates will be very very vEry slow, so I apologize!!

*I know mountains are steep but shush, let's pretend they aren't. 💀

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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