The Jane Ending

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(In this ending, Shanna let Jane eat the girl rather then call finder's keepers)

This wasn't how her day was supposed to go, she didn't want to end up in this situation. Cali (the tiny) was with her mom at the local mall to get some clothes, that is until two girls kidnapped her while her mom wasn't looking. The two girls walked out of the mall with Cali in hand as they drove home.

The first girl had brown hair and blue eyes, she wore a white shirt and red sweatpants. She had a somewhat rude attitude and would most likely show her no mercy. Her name was Shanna, Cup size-D

The other girl was the one to grabbed her. She had light brown hair, green eyes, and wore pink lipstick, she wore a dark pink shirt with light pink pants. She was more kind and curious than her friend, Cali hoped she would let her go. Her name was Jane, Cup Size-D (a/n how I hear Jane speak is in some type of teen accent)

When they got to Shanna's House, Jane held the tiny in her hand with an excited look on her face.

"Oh, I can't take it anymore!" Jane said impatiently. "I just gotta have you in my Tummy! It's nom-nom time, Cutie!"

This terrified Cali to no end, they were going to eat her! "No, Wait! Please! Let me go!" Cali begged.

Unfortunately her pleads fell on deaf ears as Jane opened her mouth and slowly lifted Cali towards it. Her breath was so warm and smelled like cotton-candy.

"AAAAAHH!" Cali screamed in fear as she struggles to get free. "HELP ME! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!"

Jane paused for a minute and looked to Shanna, she was expecting her to call dibs on the tiny SHE saw and caught. She was surprised when Shanna didn't even try to but in, Jane gave the Tiny girl a lick or two, thinking that would trigger her friend, still nothing.

"Are you not going to try and take her?" Jane asked while looking to her friend like a lost puppy.

"Nah, ya caught her fair and square Jane." Shanna replied in an uncaring tone. "She's ALL yours, I'll get the next one."

"Oh YAY!" Jane exclaimed as she looks back to her prize. "You hear that little Cutie? You get to live in my Tummy after all!"

Cali couldn't be anymore terrified, any hope she had to escape completely vanished in an instant. Jane re-opened her mouth and lefted Cali towards it, this time with the intent of swallowing.

"No, Please!" Cali screamed but to no avail. "Don't do this! Mommy!"

Jane stuffed her into her mouth, cutting off Cali pleads. Her legs stuck out of Jane's lips but she quickly slurped them up. She was now laying on Jane's soft, wet tongue as she started tasting the poor tiny.

After she was done savoring her prey, Jane tilted her head to swallow her down. Cali wasn't able to fight it as she was pushed down the long slimy pipe that was Jane's throat. After a while, Cali reaches her final destination, Jane's stomach. It was very cramped, dark, and wet with digestive juices seething through the walls. Cali could only sob as reality hit her.

"... She, She ate me..." Cali said in a somber voice.

"Oh My GAWD!" Jane exclaimed while patting her stomach, ignoring the tiny girls sobs from inside. "She tasted amazing!"

"And it's not the best part." Shanna replied. "That comes from her struggles."

"Struggles?" Jane asked confused.

"Yeah, she'll be thrashing around trying to get out." Shanna explained. "After a while it stop when you digest her, but it's an amazing experience."

"Di-gest?" Jane cocked her head like a puppy.

"Ohmygod, she's going to become your poop!" Shanna explained to her dits of a friend.

The cogs in Jane's brain started turn until she realize what Shanna meant, Jane felt horror as to what she's done. She had pretty much killed the tiny girl. Only now does she hear the girl's sobs, she must be terrified for her life in there.

"W-Well, Shanna, I think I should be going home now. See you at school!" Jane said in her normal voice to hide her panic.

"Whatevs, hope you have fun Digesting her." Shanna replied as Jane left.

Jane hopped into her car and drove home, she could feel the girl's struggles already and hoped digestion hasn't started yet. When she got home, Jane looked up a way to get the girl out safely, that's when she found a way. Special pills to help mothers who accidentally swallowed their tiny children. She went to see if her parents had any and thankfully they did.

"Now how do I do this?" Jane asked herself as she read the instructions on the bottle, she swallowed a pill and hoped for the best. "I hope this works."

Inside Jane's stomach, Cali had been struggling to get out. She knew their was no hope for her, but she wasn't about let herself be digested and used to turn this girl's D-Cup into an E-Cup. She wasn't about to die in this evil bitch.

As she continued to struggle, a large pill fell into the stomach making it even more cramped. The stomach acid started pouring in but as soon as it made contact with the pill, the stomach started acting violently. It began to push Cali back up the throat all the way back to her captor's mouth, that was the last sight she saw before passing out from exhaustion.

Jane felt something coming up her throat and reach her mouth, she coughed it out and in her hand was the girl. It seems like she tuckered herself out from all the struggling. Jane then set the girl on her bed while she looks through missing tiny reports, there's no way her mother still hadn't noticed she's gone.

Sure enough, she found the most recent one, it had the girl's face and some information.

Name: Cali Littleton
Status: Missing
Number to call: ###-###-####
Reward: $300

Jane called the number and posed as if she had found her almost about to be eaten but saved her at the last minute as the perpetrator got away, she wasn't about to tell a tiny's mother she nearly digested her child. She made a note, folded it up, and placed it in the Cali's dress. Soon after, he mother came and collected her daughter. Now she had to find a way to grow her breast to make it look like she DID digest her.

Cali woke up in a familiar room, her room. She didn't understand, wasn't she just in a girl's stomach? She felt something in her dress and pulled it out, it was a note. She unfolded the note and read it.

Dear Cutie,

I'm sorry I ate you. I didn't realize how dangerous it was for you and nearly killed you, I don't expect you to forgive me. I called your mom and she's on her way to pick you up as I write this. I hope this is enough. If you need to call me or yell at me for my mistake, my number is at the bottom.

Love, Jane.

Cali was surprised how kind Jane was, most girl would put that aside just to have a tiny in their stomach. But Jane actually let her out the second she realized what would happen to Cali if she kept her in there. She thought about giving her a call later after she goes to give her mom a hug.

(The End)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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