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The ride to the Quarry was quiet. It seems that most of their bike rides were quiet these days. They never spoke but they felt warm and safe together. The fear and sadness Eddie felt earlier about prom was somewhat gone. His heart just slipped back into his normal pace and he felt like he was supposed to be here. Richie on the other hand felt excited and so adventurous. The boys got off the bike and Richie ran to the top of the cliff.

"Wait for me!" Eddie called out. He did do track in school but Richie's adrenaline tonight was something he couldn't beat. Eddie caught up to Richie and  he took a breath. He looked up and Richie was getting undressed. Richie dropped his glass, blazer and whole suit by a rock. 

"What are you doing?" Eddie asked.

"What the hell does it look like, Eds!" Richie chuckled. "I'm going to jump off the cliff."

"Are you insane?" Eddie roared "I can't do it. I'm not ruining my suit."

"I saw how you were with Greta." Richie explained. Eddie blushed

"I don't like he-"

"I know. That's the thing."

"You want me to like her?" Eddie crossed his arms.

"No but I saw how uncomfortable you were with her." Richie told him. "I just want my Eds back." 

"Your Eds." Eddie whispered to himself as he dropped his arms. He quickly started to undress down to his boxers. Eddie felt stupid just going and listening to everything Richie says but come on, it's Richie.

With a big splash into the water, Richie jumped off the cliff. Eddie smiled as he watched and listened to Richie scream happily on he way down. 

"Holy shit!" Richie laughed.

"Is it cold?" Eddie asked. He was a little nervous because it was a little chilly out and he didn't want to get sick. Correction, his mother didn't want him to get sick.

"A little. But it's okay!" Eddie nodded and took a big puff of his inhaler. He ran back and then off the cliff. Eddie felt like the whole world slowed down and like he was the center of the world. As he fell under the water he swam over to Richie.

"There's my Eds!" Richie grinned. 

"My Rich," Eddie mumbled to himself. Soon the water got too cold and the boys decided to get out. 

"Oh! I just remember that Bev gave me her old polaroid and asked me to take some photos of us at prom." Richie walked over to his bike and got the camera from the basket. He pointed the camera at Eddie. Eddie covered himself with his hands.

"Dude! I'm basically naked!"

"And I care?" Richie teased.


"Please?" Richie begged. "For memory sake." Richie put the camera down and put on the stupidest puppy eyes he could. 

"Fine. Please just keep it for memory sake." Eddie said as he dropped his arms. "It's cold."

"Okay, my turn!" Richie shoved the camera in Eddie's arms and he stood where Eddie did. He struck the most Richie pose he could and the camera clicked. The photos both came out looking a little silly, but that's the point isn't it?

"So violating." Eddie joked. 

"You do know that all the losers saw you in your underwear before right?" Richie asked. "This is nothing compared to that." 

"I guess you're right." Eddie admitted. 

"Here. You can have the photo of me and I'll take the photo of you." Richie handed Eddie the polaroid of himself.

"Deal." And the transaction was done. Eddie felt like he was just given gold. 'My Rich.' he thought. Since it was getting late the boys decided to clean up and get home. Once again the ride to Eddie's house was quiet but this time while holding onto Richie, Eddie laid his head on Richie's shoulder.

"Is this okay?"

"It would be worse if you didn't"

"Is that a yes?"

"That's an absolutely." Those words made Eddie's heart race, and this time it was for a good reason. He felt more confident and calm in this moment. Maybe he should break the ice and just talk about anything? And that's exactly what he did.

"I think you looked real handsome tonight." Richie blushed, this was his moment to be nervous this time.

"Y-You did?"

"Yes Bill." Eddie chuckled, Richie laughed at the stupid joke. 

"I think you looked very handsome too." Richie smiled, he felt a little more comfortable after saying that. Once they got to Eddie's house they both got off the bike. Eddie smiled nervously as Richie stood close to Eddie.

"I hope you have, uh, a good night, Rich." Eddie wanted to stand closer, but was that pushing boundaries?



"Can I test something?" Richie looked up at Eddie. Both boys felt hot and sweaty and just nervous for whatever words came out of each others mouth.

"Test what?"

"Teen stuff?"

"Yeah. Like that narrows it down, asshole."

"No, like I've just been confused about something and I wanna try something."

"I'm not having sex with you!" Eddie roared, 'Why the fuck did I say that?'

'Why the fuck did he say that?'

"It's pg, Eds." Richie said. "And you know how not pg I am. This is rare." Eddie nodded and agreed to whatever vague thing Richie had planned. Richie stepped forward and pecked Eddie on the lips. It was a quick kiss but it felt like it lasted for days. Eddie's eyes widened but he seemed okay with it? He just felt more in shock to as why Richie would kiss him now?

"Thank you. That confirms it." Richie nodded, his face slightly pink. Eddie raised an eyebrow.

"Confirms what?"

"How much of a queer I am."

Eddie, Baby, I Don't Know YouWhere stories live. Discover now