The Welcoming

23 1 3

First day

Im nervous. Actually, I'm beyond nervous. I feel like my stomach was taken into multiple knots and is being twisted like a tornado. As I walk up to the FBI in Quantico, Virginia, my brown/blonde/red hair flows back into the early October wind. I pull my navy blue blazer closer to me, trying to keep the wind out and the warmth in. Suddenly, I open the doors, and it's like all of my nerves go away.

The smell of coffee fills my nose immediately, but I don't necessarily mind it. There is chatter filling all around me, and I wonder where to start. I walk up to a dark haired man, and tap him on the shoulder.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Juliet Landon (Or Y/N), I am the new agent- or doctor" I stutter as I say the sentence, about to try and restart, when he automatically stops me from another word coming out of my mouth.

"Dr. Landon or (Y/N), hello. I am SSA Hotchner, but the team calls me Hotch. Do you mind if I walk you around?"

I should have realized who this was when he first turned around. I assume I'm actually more nervous that I suspected I was. I automatically nod my head, and follow his lead while he continues to notify me on everything I need to know.

"We have Penelope Garcia, well known as the spice of our team from our other members, so I've heard. She dresses in colorful clothing, always having her hair up in a beautiful but exotic hairdo, and she definitely knows how to cheer up anyone's day."

I will most definitely like Garcia. My younger sister, Stella, seems to be a lot like her. She always brings the spunk into our family, always knowing how to cheer me up on a bad day, be my shoulder to cry on, and be my partner to dance with.

She will be one of the people and things I miss most.

Hotch carries on. "Next, we have Derek Morgan. He's the strength of our group, always kicking down a door here or there, or pinning another bad guy down to arrest them. We do not know what we would do without him."

Oh, Thank God. I'm only 5'4 and around 105 pounds. I'm way too tiny, and barely even passed to be in the FBI. It makes me feel much safer to have someone who could protect me when I needed help.

"Moving on, we have Agent Jareau, or just JJ. She picks our cases and presents them to us. She also does press conferences and helps us develop a profile. She has a son, Henry, and a husband, Will. They are all great people, beautiful family. We do not know what we would do with her."

I smile. She reminds me of me in ways. Ive always wanted a family, and she is so lucky to have a husband that would stay home with her son while she goes away and does what she loves. Ive never had that, and I envy it. Knowing that a child will sometimes be around may intensify my baby fever, but may also help it.

"Next, we have SSA Rossi, or David Rossi."

I gasp slightly. I was never informed that I, Juliet Landon, who was a nobody to society, was going to be working with THE David Rossi. Obviously, at a young age, I had already read all of his books. I never could have believed that I would be on a team with him.

"Assuming that his name rings a bell, let's carry on. Emily Prentiss, as people would say, the "badass" in our group. Obviously I don't use that term to describe her, but I'm assuming that by them saying, everyone believes she's really smart and strong. She truly is, however. Always on top of everything, always expressing her idea, and she's alright right. Never doubt her, I tried it once, didn't work well." Hotch shudders, probably faking it, but it still makes me giggle. She seems great and I can already tell that me and Emily will be the closest ones on the team. I could learn a little bit from her.

"Last but certainly not least, Dr Spencer Reid. The previously youngest person, until you came along. At the young age of 12 years old, which was one year before you did, Dr Spencer Reid graduated high school. He was truly a gem to find, as you were to. He is now 24 years old, two years older than you. He is the brains on our team, and now you guys will be able to use your genius skills to solve cases two times faster than before."

I'm shocked. I never, ever could believe that there was another person out there who had an alike story to me. He's only two years older than me, and we graduated around the same time. I wonder already if he knows about me. Will he like me? Will he find me as competition? Will he see me as a threat to him? Will he find me ugly and annoying?

I take a breath, realizing I have just been standing there for about a minute.

"I-I'm sorry. The team seems truly amazing, Hotch, and I can not wait to meet him- I mean them. When will I be able to?"

Hotch smiles. "Now," Hotch pushes over the doors, leading into the branch of the FBI, known as the BAU.

People are running around, desk worker typing furiously on their keyboards. I actually fear they may break the keys. I glance around, trying to find the people he was talking about.

"Team, conference room in 5 minutes please, no later, no sooner."

I hear a select few groan, but little do they know, it's actually me they will be meeting, not a case.

5  minutes later.

I walk in, and take a seat next to the one person I already can point out from the crowd, Garcia. Hotch stands up and goes to the board, and I can already feel all the eyes on me.

"Everyone, this is Dr Juliet Landon (or Y/N). She is 22 years old, and she will be the girl brains of our group." He winks at Dr Spencer Reid, and carries on. "She graduated high school at the outstandingly young age of 13 years old, but please everyone, do not treat her like a child. She is mature and I picked her for a reason, I hope everyone understands this. "

Everyone gets up and gives me a hug, my dimples beaming. Well, almost everyone. Dr Spencer Reid sits there, staring at me. I'm confused, but I say my thank you's and finish hugging everyone, and I sit down. I try to pay attention, but I can not help to feel the chestnut hair boys eyes looking at me. My skin feels like it's on fire, trying to sit up straight to look like I actually have good posture.

I get up as soon as Hotch says we are free to go work, and I immediately go to my desk. That was quite the interesting welcoming.

Doctor Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now