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Why did I have to go in?

Is it because they think I'm good at my job?

..... but Reid has to go too.

So do they think we are both good or just the most vulnerable? Easiest ones to move on without?

I'm quickly pulled out of my thoughts. "Landon (or Y/N), you and Reid will go to the guys house, try to get him. If not, STAY TOGETHER. Do you understand?"

Of course we would stay together, I wonder why he would ever emphasis it. I look over to Reid. I notice his body language showing signs of nervousness, hands in his pockets, looking down at his feet, and he's letting his long hair go over his face. I go over and put my hand on his arm, him looking up.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We will be together the ENTIRE time and I can promise you, I will not ever let you go out of my sight, only if you promise to do the same for me." I reply, trying my best to give him a small smile, even though I'm nervous myself.

Ive been in the BAU for two months now. Right now, we are working with a guy named Charles Daniel, who has killed, raped, and tortured young men and women, which is why it is so hard to even know if this is the right guy. The victimology is all over the place, but we have a warrant to at least check it out.

Me and Reid hop in to the car, and I let him drive, ignoring all of Morgan's comments of how bad of a driver he is. Ive learned not to really trust him with his overreacting criticism, however it is still funny to me.

The car ride is quiet until we are pulling into the woods where the house is all the way at the back. Reid looks over at me.

"Juliet, this guy, he will do anything to hurt anyone. He may even go as far as hurting an FBI agent. I don't want to admit it but I'm really really scared. The probability of this being our guy and us getting out is very very incredibly slim. So if you have anything to say to me, say it now because I've ran all of the possibilities and this is looking fatal."

A tear runs down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it away. I can't show emotion because I know it will scare him even more than he is. I'm probably even more scared than him, but we are trying to be strong for each other, and I think that by him hiding all of his fears, he's the strongest man I know, even if he can't kick down a door.

"We will get out, Doctor, I'm sure of it. Or I will do anything in my power to get you out to save the world and cure cancer and any illness that may hurt anyone."

He slightly smiles, "and I'll do the same for you."

"SPENCER COME HERE!" I yell from the room to him. I look around the room, and see what looks like a million computers, showing at least 50 men and women from around the world. He looks over, and his face drops.

"This has to be him."

"But there n-" I can't even finish my sentence before I feel a bat hit over my head and I drop to the floor.

"Good morning sunshine!" Says Charles. I look around the room, trying to figure out where am I and what's happening. Spencer is right next to me, and he looks like he hasn't slept, which I assume he hasn't. Charles walks over to me.

Doctor Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now