Who are you Lexie Pt 2

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So to carry on from we I left off.....

At Seattle Grace:
"DAD! DAD CAN YOU HEAR ME?" I cried. The EMTs picked him up and placed him back on the bed, bringing him into trauma 1. Once the seizing had stopped, Meredith gave him a high dose of lorazapam and morphine for the seizing and pain whilst stitching up the nasty cuts my dad had. My mother also was just bring stitched up, but was saying her head hurt. "Order a head CT and once they've both calmed down, we need statement as we have no idea what's going on here," Dr hunt said turning to me for the last bit. I nodded wiping my tears and  left.

I entered my father's room with doctors, including Dr Grey working around him. Dad woke up suddenly, all tense but calmed when looking around and realising where he was. He looked at me sadly. "Hey sweetheart," he said. Lexie stated quiet not looking him in the eye. "What happened dad?" You said you were sober?" I asked with hurt and disappointment. "I'm sorry Lexie I tried so hard. I just remember being drunk and angry. And then. ........" I looked up. What did he do? I forced him to speak on. "And then I got do angry at your mother for some reason. I picked up glasses and plates throwing them around and I'm guessing a couple hit her. I was also violent towards her. I'm so, so sorry honey. Is she okay? It won't happen ever again. " He couldn't look me in the eye. He couldn't bear himself. He was sorry but he can keep doing this to us. "How do you know Dr Grey?" I asked coldly. My dad looked shocked and responded even more shakily,  "Who is Dr Grey? I've never heard of her of net her I don't think? I'm sorry." Lying thought his teeth. "Oh okay my mistake. I'm going to check on mom." He looked so disappointed with himself and almost me too.

A couple of hours later:

I walked out of the CT room struggling to breath. My mother has internal bleeding and my father was heavily under the influence. Bailey and Dr Grey came over to me and explained the surgery which I already understood. So they proceeded with the surgery taking her in straight away. I sat outside for the entire surgery waiting for the news praying everything would be okay. Finally Dr Grey came out and said everything went smoothly they have taken her off to recovery now. I thanked her and then said "How do you know my dad?" Dr Grey looked hardly at me but sat down. She then said it's not really my palace to  say especially if you don't know anything. Because I didn't. I'll go talk to your dad and see what to do. Wait here. I'm sorry." I just nodded confused, slightly. I just sat there in the waiting room still in my scrubs nervously twiddling with my hands. Dr Bailey came and called for me so I  followed her into my father's room. I didn't even want to speak to him after hurting my mother so badly. We were so proud of him for being sober for that long. Dr Grey nodded at bailey who shut the door. "Lexie.... Come here." I complided still not looking at him properly. "Lexie we need to talk. So you asked me earlier how I know Meredith. And I'm pretty sure I said something in front of you that shouldn't of been blurted out like that. Meredith is your half sister. Before you, I had a different family. I don't know why I never told you, or your mother. I was ashamed of my past. But now you know." I just sat there shocked looking between Meredith and my father. "Oh. Umm- I er alright. Mere- I mean Dr Grey are you okay? Do you want to know me? It's I'm fine I'd you don't I get that you probably hate me this is going ot be really awkward teaching me omg this is the worst thing ever how could you do this dad?" Meredith grabbed hold of my shoulders and said "It's fine. No one will know about us for a while so we can sort things out. Lexie you seem like a nice girl. I would like to get to know you. But we can't be sisters, not yet. We need to know each other. Your a bit annoying too but calm down it's not a massive deal. We don't even really know each other. Okay?" You took a deep breath and claimed down. "Okay. Could we maybe meet at Joe's after our shifts?" She smiled warmly. "Yes." Suddenly the monitors went and our dad went into cardiac arrest. "Crash cart in here NOW! Hang on Thatcher your going to be fine," while the nurses ran in with the cart. "Charge to 200. Clear!" Meredith said shocking my dad. Nothing. "Charge to 300. Clear!" Nothing. "Charge again!" Everyone around us stayed quiet knowing it was too late. "Charge again dammit!" The nurses charged the defibrillator once more and Meredith shocked my dad. OUR dad. Still, nothing. She switched off the heart rate monitor. He was gone mad there was nothing we could do about it. Even if it makes me the worst person in the world, he may of probably deserved part of it. Lying to us our entire lives, keeping me from having a sister I always wanted and becoming the drunk he was. Every night. And causing my mother tremendous pain every time he took a sip of his beer. He could of killed her tonight. Bit he was still my father my dad always there my entire childhood, remembering the way he always was kissing and touching me. He was such a caring man. Sometimes I thought about it thinking it was wrong, but he just loved me very much and couldn't show it in any other way. I have no idea how Meredith's childhood was. Was he a drunk then too? I still love him though. He's my dad. I will always love him. But I will never think of him in the same way ever again.

A year later:
I was moved into Meredith's childhood house, becoming real sisters, loving mad caring for each other. It was a great relationship. My mother moved away to live with my grandmother who I never met for a reason I've never known I was free to leave all of it behind. I'm an intern, doing what I love mad I'm top of my class always scrubbing in on top surgeries. And it's not just because of my sister. I had talent and promise. Im also dating. I'm dating Dereks best friend, Mark Sloan. He's the head of Plastics and Burns. He's older but he really is the best boyfriend and I love him. He's not like anyone I've ever loved. I am happy. The happiest I've been in a long time.

I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if the ending wasn't great. Thank you xx

Grey's anatomyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora