chapter 2

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Cody's pov

I sat in my classes today wondering why I didn't get her name. why are you so stupid? you didn't even ask her name. " Mr Hart please focus." Mrs Barnes said. " yes ma'am." I copied down my notes and focused. The bell rang and I went for lunch. I sat at my table with my best friend Ethan. We were busy talking and I zoned out like I usually do. I wonder why she was crying. I hate seeing a female crying. I've seen my mom cry so many times it gave me a soft spot for all females.

" you met a girl today." Ethan says out of the purple. " uhmm I'm confused." " you have that look on your face when you meet a girl you like." " I don't like her." " so there is a girl."he wiggled his eyebrows. I just roll my eyes. I don't like her honestly. I don't even know her. I just have a soft spot for her cause she was crying. I was even late today cause I stopped to make sure she was okay. soft spot. " uhmm Cody we have company." I look up and see Lacey and her crew come towards us. me and Ethan are man-whores. We don't fall inlove and every girl in Steinfield high melts at our feet. even freshmen. so I'm gonna admit we are super hot. especially Ethan. and he embraces it. he's not afraid to be himself and he's goofy and loud when he wants to be. not alot of people will see his goofy side. only the special ones. I'm glad I'm one of the special ones. we've been best friends for 10 years. We met in a sandbox at the playground when we were 12. We were the childish 12 years olds so we clicked.  We wanted to see each other everyday and our parents became friends then sleepovers happened then our first fight and here we are surrounded by girls at our lunch table. I'm the quiet reserved one. only Ethan knows my loud, annoying, goofy side. yess I'm secretive but Ethan knows all. " hey Ethan." Lacey sings as she twirled her hair and sits on my lap. " sup Lacey?" she starts giggling and talking. I'm bored. and saved by the bell I head to my locker to get my geography book.

someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see Logan. ughh seriously. does he have to annoy me today. no fighting Cody. you got your last warning already. yes I have been fighting but i never start fights. finally got a last warning letter 2 days a go. my mom said she'll kill me if I get expelled so I'm tolerating annoying people. " hey mommy's boy." he says. seriously who still says that? " sup Logan." " heard about your dad. I see where you get the whore side of you." I start to get angry but stop myself from doing anything stupid. " ohh and how stupid was your mom. I mean how..." that's when I punched him. he punched back obviously. then out of nowhere Ethan appears and punches Logan too. We fight for like 2 more minutes before the principal appears. my nose is bleeding and so is Ethan's. Logan has a swollen eye. " alright break it up you 3 and come to my office." he says wayy too calm.

when we get to three office I realise my mom's already here. that's why he was scary calm. I'm in so much trouble. " mom hey." my mom hugs me tightly but warmly and obviously I hug her back. " I know what happened." she whispers. " mrs Hart I'm sorry but Cody is expelled. and so are you Ethan." " yes sir." Ethan says. well that was quick. We get out and leave. " hey Ethan." " yes ma'am." " why don't you and your brother come live with us?" Ethan's parents died in a car accident a few weeks ago. he was devastated but he recovered. his little brother, Max, is 15 and my sister, Jane, is 14. they get along well. Max is okay too. they tryna figure out what to do but at the moment they live together. " uhmm I don't wanna intrude with your family aunt Pam." " did you seriously just say that? do you want me to kill you Ethan?"my mom says blankly. " thank you aunt Pam." " good boy. I'll send someone to get your stuff and I'll go get Max." " yes ma'am."

we get home and go straight to playing video games. " so tell me about this girl." " seriously you're still on that?" " tellll meeeeee." " okay fine quit whining. I just saw her outside Rockfeld high. she was definitely late. I went to her just to see what she looked like. then she turned around. btw she is hooooot. I mean she's a definite 10. but she was crying then I reminded her she was late. she pointed out I was too before she realised she was late. then she said thanks and ran off." yes I know. i tell him everything. we're like brothers. " so your dumb butt didn't ask what her name was??" " nah I kinda forgot." " don't fall too hard man." " I won't fall for her cause I don't like her. I don't even know her. I'll pro..."

Then Jane and Max interrupted. " hey brooo." Jane says. " sup sis." she says and I get up and hug her. I love my sister. she is so hot it worries me. I know how boys are. " sup Max." "sup Cody." We did our usual handshake and sat down. " I heard max and Ethan  are gonna live here." says Jane. "yup." " seriously more boys." " you know you love us." Max states. " yeah from afar." Max chuckles. " whatever you say sweetie." " don't start Max." Okay so my sister hates being called sweetie or sweetheart or anything like that. she prefers being called bro and stuff. apparently it's too "girly" for her. We all talk for some time but I feel exhausted. mainly cause I looove sleep. " y'all imma catch a nap. I'm out." " peace." they all say. I get to my room and I'll instantly out.


hey y'all. meet Cody. hope you liked this chapter. love y'all.✌🏽🌻

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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