06: Té

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(noun) tea


Maya didn't see Javier for the rest of the weekend and that following Monday. Maya kept herself busy with school work, but there was not enough readings and papers in the world that could help her erase the fact that Javier was no where to be seen.

She found herself thinking about him time to time. Sometimes she stopped walking around in her apartment because she caught a whiff of his cologne. Other times was seeing a random object of his lying around carelessly that drove Maya's mind to madness.

Sometimes it's when she thought about his laugh that made her heart beat a little faster.

"Can you help with this? This is heavy," Elaine wheezed, lifting the end of a package that was at the bottom of the floor.

"Yeah sorry," Maya said, brushing off her thoughts as she lifted the other side of the large package. Maya decided to order a book shelf for her items in her room, and the package was much bigger than she anticipated, so Maya enlisted Elaine. "I owe you one for this."

"Yeah you better. I decided not to work out after carrying this," Elaine groaned, lifting the package up the staircase.

When they reached the top, both immediately placed it on the ground. Maya fished out her keys from her pocket and unlocked the door. When she opened the door, she went in to kick her shoes off. She stopped midway when she heard some clicking coming from the living.

Maya lifted her head to find Javier sitting on the table.

"Oh you're here," Maya couldn't help but say.

He was typing on his computer, his eyes glued to the screen. He was wearing pants and sweats, which Maya became convinced is what he typically wears in the day.

His eyes fell on her and his eyebrows rose when their eyes met.

"Well I do live here," he pointed out, his fingers slowly typing away on the keyboard.

Maya nodded to herself.

"Right..." she said. That made sense to her, but she couldn't think of anything else to say. She didn't expect him to be...here.

"Maya where do you want me to -" Elaine shouted from outside, entering into the apartment. She stopped on her tracks when she saw Javier sitting in the living. "Oh shit. Hey. You must be Javier. My name is Elaine." She took a few steps forward to shake his hand. Maya watched from where she was standing, trying to figure out what Javier was thinking. "It's so nice to meet you. Maya hasn't shut up about you.'

"She's just joking," Maya interrupted, glaring at Elaine to shut up before she said something that could make the situation worse. "She's the funny one out of the two of us."

Maya wanted to drag Elaine somewhere and strangle her before she really said something bad, but she couldn't. Instead, she pulled back the fakest smile she could muster.

Javier smiled. "Nice to meet you Elaine. Hopefully you have only heard good things."

Before Elaine could respond, Maya put a hand on her shoulder, mentally praying that Elaine would get the hint.

"Let's just drop the package in my room, El," Maya said to Elaine. Elaine nodded, both going back to the front of the apartment and carry the package into Maya's room.

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