Ch. 1

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I sit waiting anxiously for him under a tree. My leg moves around anxiously. It was isolated here, but based on what Kurama told me, that was a good thing; it was how it should be. He called me out here because he wanted to show me something.
It was nice here in the forest. Just the sounds of animals and leaves rustling. There's the sudden noise of footsteps, and i figure it must be Kurama and stay under the shade of the tree. A pair of feet pop wearing white shoes into view. I look up quickly, the shoes looking like nothing Kurama would wear. Towered above me was a beautiful looking man dressed in all white; long white hair, a pair of fox ears poking out of them, piercing yellow eyes, and gently smiling down at me.
I feel my face redden. Despite how tall he was and the sharp claw like nails he had, not to mention whatever powers he had, i felt like i was in no danger by his presence and he even seemed familiar.
"Hey" Was all he said before he sat next to me, his white tail gently resting against my thigh. I look at him tilting my head slightly. He kept looking straight forward. It seemed like he had more to say and i felt no need to prompt him. "Luna" he says under his breath, him saying my name catches me off guard. I squint slightly.
"H-how do you know my name" i stutter slightly. He turns his head to look at me and chuckles.
"What you don't recognize me?"  His voice was calm and soothing, and his question had some playfulness weaved through it. I shake my head slightly flustered. He frowns playfully.
"It's Kurama" He says it casually, like i should've known.
"Oh." It didn't fully process in my brain. "Oh" i repeat more firmly. "So... you're Youko Kurama" He nods his head.
"So this is what you wanted to show me?"
"Yes, i don't make a habit of going into this demon form anymore, but if the situation ever called for it i would. I didn't want you to be caught off guard if that happened while you were around"
"How kind of you," I say with a hint of playfulness. He looks at the ground in front of him, smiling. "How long will you stay in this form?" He shrugs
"How long do you want me to stay in this form?" He glances at me without moving his head and smirks, "Hmmmm...?" every sound he uttered was smooth and nice to listen to. I muster a shrug.
"i could have you stay like this forever" i say mindlessly, "so it's really up to you"  He finally turns his head to me, his smirk turning into a smile. He turns his whole body, going on his hands and knees and pounces on me; pushing me onto the ground. He turns me onto my back, pinning my arms next to my head. All done in one, swift motion; firm but gently.
My face reddens to what i could only imagine to be the deepest shade of red. He laughs a low, gentle laugh, poking his mouth into my ear.
"My dear, I can't stay like this forever" He whispers, planting a gentle kiss on my ear. "But i guess a few more hours wouldn't hurt."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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