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Your pov 🍒
I got down stairs and see everyone was there waiting for me
I walk toward them when I suddenly feel wet ...
Without thinking
I ran toward my room and boom bich I'm in period I hate this bish
Yack ...
After changing I again walk downstairs
Tae: what happened why you ran away

You: nothing uh I forgot something so

Jin: ok you are fine right princess

You: mmm

Rm: come let's eat


After eating
I was in my room clutching my tummy as it hurts as hell

I could ask hyejin unnie but she's not here not even other ugh 😩

It hurts so bad man fuck
After sometime the pain was gone


When suddenly someone called me

Jk: bun come downstairs we needa go did you forget

You: ugh not now "whisper"
Okay coming

I walk downstairs to see everyone there
Looking so cu- ahem

They ✨💜



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