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It's a beautiful day in Taisho Era Japan. Birds are chirping, the sun is blooming, and a certain boy is running around his home. This boy is Naruto Kamado, running towards his father and mother, who were in the kitchen eating some breakfast.

"Hi Mommy! Hi Daddy!" the little boy exclaims. His parents looks at him and smile.
"Hey Naruto! Up already?" asks his mother, who was eating some omelets, while his father was drinking some tea. 
"Hey Naruto..." his dad asked.
"Yeah dad?"
"Do you wanna be trained in the family secret?" Naruto's eyes sparkle as his father asks him this. But his mother had different plans
"Minato! He doesn't need training. He's just a boy. He's only three for Kamis sake!"
"It'll be good for him. He needs to defend himself in this world. Besides, I wont train him in breathing yet." Kushina sighs and reluctantly agrees for Naruto's training. Minato picks up Naruto and brings him outside, where you see three training logs and many exercise courses.
"All right Naruto. First, we'll train you in physical endurance, speed and other things."
Naruto jumps up and down ready to get strong so he can learn the family secret.


Naruto has finished his training for today. He is absolutely exhausted from the training regiment, but he knows he has to do it a lot so he can grow strong. His father looked at him proudly.
"Nice job Naruto, make sure your ready for tomorrow. Now let's go eat some dinner."


First Chapter done. Liked it or didn't. Please constructive criticism please!

Next chapter will be released someday. I'm too busy reading and not writing lmao

Demon of the Wind (Naruto X Demon Slayer) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now