A Trial of Sparks (Chapter 5)

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Here with a new chapter for Demon of The Wind. Sorry for not giving too many uploads, school has given me too much homework and I've been doing other stuff. Thanks for @saucegod223 for getting me to make another chapter. Anyways, on with the story!

Rengoku and Naruto were walking along a path, in complete silence. Rengoku twitched a bit, not liking the  awkward silence. After a while of this uncomfortable silence, Rengoku spoke up.
"So uh, is there a reason you wanna join the Demon Slayers?" Rengoku asks, and being greeted by the same silence. Rengoku sighs and focuses on the road again.

Time skip cause I'm laaaaaaaazy
Rengoku and Naruto arrive at the gates of the demon slayer headquarters, where they walk in. Naruto admires the buildings in the demon slayer headquarters, as Rengoku leads him to his estate. 
"So you are going to be my tsugoku, my disciple basically. You understand?" Rengoku asks, and Naruto responds with a small nod. "Excellent! You will be a great student!" Rengoku exclaims. As they walk towards Rengokus estate, the bump into a man with long black spike hair wrapped in a ponytail, a mis-matched haori, blue eyes similar to Naruto's, black pants, and a katana on his hip. 
"Ah Giyu, good to see you!" Rengoku exclaims, with no reaction from Giyu.  Giyu then notices Naruto, giving him a questioning look. He then looks back at Rengoku, who says" This is Naruto Kamado, my Tsugoku!" Giyu looks at Rengoku again, then at Naruto.

"He's mine."


That's the end of the chapter. Sorry for not publishing that often and for this short chapter. Haven't given up yet. Anyways, I guess I might have bamboozled you guys two times. After all the title is "Demon Of The Wind" But then we got Rengoku come in, but now it's Giyu. Next chapter going to take me a bit :) Bear with me tho. Anyways, Ciao!

Demon of the Wind (Naruto X Demon Slayer) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now