Chapter 3- a loving giant

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I listened to Clary since she was my only friend. I didn't want to be here with the yogscast, being trapped and all in this dimension. I sighed and gave in since I felt the eyes of Simon looking at me. I sat down again. "How do u guys like this dimension?" I sighed. The three looked at me like 'what do you mean?' "You did disappear from your own and now u are here." I sighed again. "Fine I guess." Duncan said. "How did you guys get here?" I asked. Kim and Simon looked back at Duncan who's face was red with anger. "Never mind." I said as I thought. "Duncan?" Kim said walking over to him. His face turned to normal color again. "Yea.... But one question, how did he do it and why?" I asked Kim and Simon.

"Um..." Kim said thinking. "Come here." I said as I picked her up and brought her to my shoulder. "Rythian got trapped by Duncan again and he tampered with the controls and he made every yog, even the hats here." Kim said in my ear. I picked her up and brought her back down. "He is a butt." I said giggling. Simon and Kim joined me. Clary and Duncan just looked at us. "How did u know that we weren't from here?" Duncan asked. "Um.... I got an iPod that is my size and I saw a video on everyone's channel from area 11 explaining that every member disappeared except for them." I said pulling out my iPod. "Wow!" Simon said as he stepped back. I giggled at the drawf. "To be honest when I first saw you three I was frightened and I could tell Simon was too." I sighed.

"Why scared of us? I mean you are double our size." Simon said. "I-I just don't want to be around normal people cause I am afraid I might-" I was cut off. "I get it." Simon sighed. I smiled. "You have been quiet." I told Clary. "We'll u seemed to be... Better so I didn't want to interrupt." Clary stated. "It feels like we have been friends for ages." I said smiling. "I know what we can do!" Duncan shouted out. We all looked at him. "I am a mad scientist after all." He said smiling. "Really now!" I said smiling, thinking of why he said that. "Lets head to my castle." Duncan said. "Here." I said lowering both hands. They climbed on. I walked to his castle that wasn't fluxed. "Wow never seen it like this since Jaffa Factory." I said. "Yeah." Kim said.

Set them down in front of the castle. "Now what are we doing Duncan?" Kim asked. "My guess is that it has to do with me." I stated. "Yup!" Duncan said smiling. "Ahhhh!" I heard a girlish scream. I turn toward the woods. "You alright?" Clary asked. "Yup, just heard someone scream." I said. "We didn't hear anything." Kim said. "Giants have better hearing." Simon said. I looked at them and smiled. I turned my head around to find where it came from and I saw, TOBY! I started laughing. "What's funny?" Kim asked. "Fricking Toby! Hahaha!" I said laughing nonstop. "Toby and Martyn are probably competing to see everyone." Simon said. I walked over to the forest line were a very shocked Toby was standing against a tree. "Stay back!" Toby yelled. "I won't hurt you. Kim sent me." I said smiling and bending down.

"Toby you alrigh-h-ht?!" Martyn stuttered when he saw me. "Hi." I said smiling. "Um hello." Martyn said slowly moving closer. "My name is Rose. Kim sent me." I stated. "I am Martyn and that's Toby." Martyn said smiling. "Your friend is like a girl." I said giggling. "I am not a girl!" Toby barked. "Brown hair, brown eyes. You look lovely." Martyn said. I blushed. "Need a lift? Kim wants to see you." I said still blushing. I put my hand down and they climbed on. I walked over to the castle and place my hand down and they hopped off. "Hey Kim." Martyn said waving.

"What you guys doing?" Kim asked. "Came to see how everyone else is doing since we got here." Martyn said. "Martyn littlewoods I got something you might like." I said pulling out the magic saplings. "Wow! Magic saplings Cool!" He said with excitement. I smiled as he took them. "Thanks." He said smiling back at me. "Welcome." I said. "Where's Duncan?" I asked. "In his lab doing something. "Toby, Martyn, I'd like you to meet Clary." Kim said pointing to Clary. "Hi." Clary said smiling and waving. "Nice to meet you Clary." Toby said shaking her hand.

i stood there watching the three chat just thinking what Duncan wanted to do or what he was working on. A laser zoomed past my face. i looked up to see Duncan with a weird gun."Missed!" He yelled. "What the Hell Duncan?" I barked. "Hold Still." He shouted pointing the gun at me. "Hell No!" i shouted as i ducked. "Stop Moving!" He shouted agian. "Never!" I Barked. "What are you doing Duncan?!" Kim Shouted. "I don't want to!" I said displeased. Duncan fired another shot and hit me. "You little Shit!" I Yelled as everything around me grew. everyone looked at me as i shrank. "Duncan what did you do!" Kim Screamed.

"Simple, i shrank her to our size." Duncan said. i could still hear him. "You Little Shit, no1 shrinks Me!" i said angerly. my rage made me turn. my dragon side to control. My  Gold and diamond wings. Claws, Deep Light blue eyes, and a golden tail with diamond spikes. never had this happen before to me. I Flew up to the castle and locked onto Duncan. "NO1 SHRINKS ME!" I screamed as i came flying like a bullet. Duncan tried to move but failed. i crashed into him and part of the window. "He." He tried to laugh. "No1 Shrinks a giant!" i said grabbing him by the throat and lifting him off the ground. "He. Still a giant." He breathed out as i choked him. i heard the door slam open and close. "Rose Let him down." Clary yelled. "No1, i repeat No1 does this to me!" i said angerly with a devilish smile. 'Why Duncan?" Kim said with worry in her voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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