Best Friend 1- Zia ✨💔

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Also I'm sorry I haven't done that many common ships- I'm planning to maybe to Lander or Drake next ok-
Zoey ran. Far. She didn't know where, but her legs sure did.


The almost-young adult opened the door for her best friend.


Tears were streaming down her face. Lia quickly brought her into a tight hug and closed the door.

"Zoey what's wrong?!"

She tried to catch her breath.

"D-drew h-he..." She choked on her words.

Lia brought the blonde into the kitchen and poured a cup of water.

They sat there for another 5 minutes, Lia trying to calm her best friend down. She looked like a mess, not that Lia hadn't seen her like that before. No one had seen her like that, ever, besides Lia.

When Zoey was finally able to breathe, she explained everything that had happened moments before.
Zoey took a deep breath.
"Drew I-"
"Zoey wait. I need to tell you something"
"Oh, ok. You go first."
"Sorry you were saying something?"
"No it's ok." She replied with a small smile.
"Zoey. You go."
"Ok ok um...I don't any more- but back in Sophmore and Junior year...I..." She took a breath and composed herself "..I...was kind of cheating on you...I'm so sorry."
Drew's face dropped a little.
"Zoey...I-I think we should..maybe...break up."
Her heart stopped for a moment.
"Drew wait please I've sto-"
"That's not it Zoey..."
"T-then what is I-it?..."
He didn't know how to break it easily so, he didn't. With a deep breath, he said,
"...I-I'm bi..."
Everything froze. 'He's bi? But...doesn't that mean he also likes girls? I'm one..does...does he like someone else...? B..but...'
She didn't know what to say.
"...D-do your dads know?..." She felt sick.
"I'd say they suspect it..."
Uncomfortable silence hung in the air.
"...well...w-why are know..."
Drew took a deep breath and uncertainly said,
"I'm..." tears threatened to spill over the edge of his eyes. "I'm in love with Jake"

Five words. Five words that changed so many people's lives.

"I'm so sorry Zoey..."
"I-it's fine," she started, tears spilling out of her eyes while she started to turn around."you're h-happy at least."
She began running away, tears streaming down her face. Even though it might've not seemed like it, they really loved each other. Just maybe not as much anymore...
"Zoey wait-!" But she was gone.
"Hun..." Lia pulled her best friend for 4 years into her arms.

"It's going to be ok..." She felt her skin start to grow hot.

"I'm going to kill him."
"Lia please don't."
"He broke your heart and-"
"He's allowed to like who he's not his fault." She dug her head deeper into Lia's neck.

The other rubbed small circles against her back whilst continuing to listen to her.

"I should've expected it...he and Jake have been best friends since middle school..." The memories crashed into her mind like a tsunami and another round of tears came.

Lia wanted to kill Drew. How could he do that to Zoey? She was perfect. Sure she was worse back in the days, but so was he, and they had grown out of that. Anyone would be lucky to have her. Clearly not Drew thou-

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