Ch.6 jealously at hogsmeade

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Draco's pov

She walked out of her dorm and that's when I saw her...

Wow. She looks just wow and stunning. I see all the boys in the common room turn their heads towards her.

"Hey Malfoy keep your jaw off the floor will ya."

I saw her elbow Pansy in the rib.

"Oh shut it, Pansy. you drool all over Bla-"

"If you finish that sentence then your whole body will be on the floor."

"Whatever. So Dreamy I thought you were only going to Hogsmeade with Diggory."

"Why do you think I'm overdressed?"

"No, you look beautiful Dre-"

"We should really get going Dre if you want to be there by 7."

"Okay, bye Draco see you later."

"Bye Dreamy, I'll see you later."

Then she's off.

"Malfoy, you alright mate?"

"Yeah, just Diggory doesn't deserve her."

"Then who does?"

"Not even a prince is good enough for her."

"Uh-huh, not even a certain Draco Malfoy."

"She would never go for me."

"Sure mate remember our bet you can just pay up now if you want."

"No, I'm sure I could just wrap her around my finger in 5 seconds."

"Sure mate."

Drea's pov

I'm at the tree when I see Ced walk up to me.

"Hey, C ed."

"Wow Drea, you look stunning. You realize we are only going to Hogsmeade."

"Yeah, I know."

"So you are ready to go."


"Let's go inside, Three Broomsticks up for a Butterbeer?"


"So I asked you on a date so you could help me."

"Help you with what?"

"Get Cho Chang."

"Isn't she in Ravenclaw?"


"Well I don't know her pretty well but I could ask Luna if you want?"

"Thank you, you're the best."

We hug and I see Draco walk in.

"Ced, look Cho is over there by herself why don't you go talk to her."

"But I'm here with you."

"No worries Draco will hang out with me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Ced now go talk to her."

Draco's pov

I walk in and see her laughing with Diggory, then he gets up and leaves and sits with a stupid Ravenclaw. Then we locked eyes and she was waving at me. I decided to wave back.

"Draco." She motioned me towards her.

"Hey, Dreamy why is Diggory sitting with another girl while you guys should be on a date?"

"I told him to since he liked her."

"Then why did he ask you on a date."

"Cause he wanted my help to get her but I don't talk to any Ravenclaws except Luna."

"He is a bloody idiot for leaving you." I realized I just said that out loud. and she just stared at me in utter shock...

"i-um well. So you want a Butterbeer?" She offered.


"My treat."

"No you will not pay, I will."

"Draco. I can pay for my own."

"Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I let you buy your own drink?"

"Fine, I'll buy you a drink another time."


was i supposed to love you // d.m.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz