Chapter 6

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~Slight mention of death~

"Ok, it's ok, take a deep breath it's all going to be alright." I whisper to myself as I take shaky steps into the building.

Today was a suppose to be a happy day. A day I was that should bring happiness to me. The first day of orientation. Damn, it hurts to know that my parents aren't here to wave me off.

I subconsciously clutch onto the necklace I was given by my mother, days before her death. To outsiders it was a necklace with a stone on it nothing much.

But to me it was everything. The last part of my mother, the last part of her love for me.

Tears started pooling due to the painful memories I was revisiting but I pushed those emotions down.

I started to my way to the office to get my schedule when something caught my eye. Or rather someone.

It was a girl arguing with a fellow student. She looked really pissed, so-much-so she didn't notice the boxes behind her as she attempted to storm off. She fell and started cursing out the boxes and the person she was yelling to.

When she dusted herself off she left through the same doors I had walked into. Shaking my head from the sight I continued to make my way to the office.

I got my schedule and left for the dorms. I got lucky that I got a dorm to myself.

Which meant that I could plan my revenge on the son-of-a-bitch that ordered the death of my parents, and had them killed in-front of their eleven-year-old child.

I knew only the name that man used in Russia but not his new alias for the states, which I know he currently resides in.

Which one state exactly no freaking clue. But I was determined to find out.

I walked into my dorm to try to get some of my thing unpacked out of the boxes it was all currently packed in.

I head into my room and decide to take a nap. Today has been exhausting. I stare up at the ceiling until I slowly feel my self dozing off to sleep.

"Pavel zdorovayetsya i proshchayetsya na vsyu zhizn'" (Pavel greets and says goodbye for life)

*multiple gun shots*
*two loud thuds*

I wake up from that nightmare of that night. I'm out of breath, sweaty, and dehydrated.

I push off the hair that got stuck to my face while I was asleep. I make my way to the kitchen and I get some water.


I'm awaken by the alarm that I set for my first day of classes. I woke up four hours earlier then I needed to so that I could work out.

I have a good workout at the gym. By the time I realized, I only had two hours left till my classes began so I headed back.

I showered and put on a pair of light blue jeans, with a white tank underneath my sweater. I put on my boots as fall was just beginning, it was chilly but not cold enough to wear a big jacket.

When I entered my English literature class I sat in the mid-back. Far away from the chatty cheerleaders, but not all the way in the back where I would have to keep moving my head just the see and hear the professor.

I was staring around looking at all these people. They all different had different expressions on their faces. And some looked as if they had just woken up and rushed to class. Some people looked as if this class could not begin and end fast enough.

Same but not just this class the whole day. Revenge doesn't plan itself.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up DAMN!" a girl yelled at the chatty cheerleaders. "It's too fucking early to have y'all talking this damn loud!" she finished.

Did I mention that I had early classes and that it was currently just around but not yet ten in the morning.

One of the cheerleaders got up and walked over to the girl that had just yelled at her and her little group.

"What did you just say to me weirdo?" she asked with irritation clear in her voice. The girl got up, removed the hood of her hoodie and looked the cheerleader dead in the eyes and she retorted, "I said Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Need me to go any slower cause I think you've lost some brain cells with all the head you give to the football players." Ouch burn.

Oh I was definitely ready to see where this was going. But unfortunately the professor walked in and told the cheerleader and the girl to take their seats.

I noticed that she was the same girl from orientation.

Before they went back to their respective seats the cheerleader whispered, "This isn't over!" to the girl, but the girl was quick to say back, "Can't fucking wait!" matching the energy of the cheerleader.

"Alright my name is Mr. Hall, I am going to be your English Literature, first I'm going to tell you all about the syllabus for this semester-"

The teacher stopped and looked at the person that had just walked into the room. Making all eyes turn to the intruder.

"And who might you be?" the professor asked him.

"Whitlock. Kace Whitlock. Sorry for being late...." the intruder, Kace said with no meaning behind his words.

"Alright take a seat."

Kace turned and faced the class while he examined where he was going to be sitting. As he was scanning, his eyes stopped and stared at me. He looked as if he recognized me.

Thinking nothing of it I removed my gaze from him, and focused back on the teacher, but I could still feel his eyes on me.

So I looked back at him, just in time he composed himself and looked at the cheerleader who was now twirling her hair at him in a flirty way. He smirked at her and sat next to her.

With his back towards me I could finally focus back on the teacher hoping that I didn't miss anything from my staring competition with Kace.


AAAAHHHH the first time they met.

Which on was better, their first encounter now or in the flashback?

Why do you think Kace stared at her as if he knew her???? 😏

Thank you so much for reading please comment and vote on the story (it's when you touch the star on the bottom left corner)

See u next chapter love you lots ❤️❤️

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