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The sunshine stung Marcy's eyes as she squinted awake. She groaned and shielded her face from the sun that blared at her. After regaining her eyesight, she looked around her environment.

This was not her room.

"Where am I?" Marcy whispered to herself. She looked down at herself. She was still wearing her own clothing. Good.

There were a few posters with bands she didn't recognize hanging on the blue walls. Two black bean bag chair a sat comfortably in the corner of the room, next to them was a small bookshelf that's wasn't very full.

Marcy clutched her head with a lazy hand. She had the worst headache. Her feet landed on the hardwood floor with a shudder. It was cold.

She stumbled out the door and into the hallway.

Please don't be a guy's house. Please don't be a guy's house. Please don't be a guy's house. She thought to herself as she made her way into the kitchen.

There was a stranger at the stove, making something that smelled amazing.

"Oh. You're up." Said the stranger, looking at Marcy as she entered.

Oh that's definitely not a guy.

"Where am I? And why does my head hurt?" Marcy groaned.

"Sit down, I'll tell you." Peyton gestured to a stool at the kitchen island. Marcy shrugged and sat. Peyton took a deep breath, looking back at the stove. She didn't want her french toast to burn.

"My name's Peyton, I'm a bartender at Teddy's Tavern. You went there last night, drank your little heart out, then passed out cold. I didn't know where you lived, so I brought you to my apartment. I-I hope that's not too weird." Peyton explained. She left out the part with the creepy man.

"Oh." Marcy said softly. Her face reddened as the memory of the previous night came crashing back to her. Peyton had been kind to her, even as she vented her eyes out.

A blanket of sudden awkwardness fell upon them. Neither dared to speak, as though the other would disappear the moment they opened their mouth.

"T-thank you." Marcy finally muttered, her eyes falling down at her hands. Peyton looked over at her. She could see the blush that crept over her face, and tried to keep her own face from flushing.

"It was no problem. Really," she glanced back at the stove. "Would you like some french toast?"

Marcy looked up. Her stomach gave a little kick to remind her of how hungry she was.

"Y-yes, please." Marcy smiled slightly, her eyes meeting Peyton's for the first time. They were dark as the night sky, maybe even darker, and they seemed to hold all the secrets of the world in them. Marcy nearly got lost in them, but she tore her own eyes away to get a better look at everything else.

She was a tall, muscular woman with a black undercut tied into a ponytail, and she had a black septum piercing that stood out against her tan skin. A long scar stretched from her left eyebrow to her right cheek. Marcy pondered for a moment about the scar, but only for a moment. Altogether, she was quite attractive, and she had a sweet smile that made Marcy melt ever so slightly.

Peyton slid a plate of french toast to Marcy with a grin. She then sat next to her at the island with her own plate. Marcy took a cautious bite of her food. It was delicious, hands down it was the best french toast she had ever eaten.

Peyton noticed Marcy's eyes as she was eating. They seemed to twinkle more with every bite, but that wasn't the only peculiar thing about them.

"Are-" Peyton started, looking at the woman next to her. "Are your eyes two different colors?" She asked.

Marcy swallowed her food, then smiled bashfully.

"Y-yeah. I have Heterochromia, my left eye is brown and my right eye is green. I find ironic because I'm a lesbian, yet my eyes are hetero-chromic." Marcy giggled to herself, forgetting she was in the presence of a stranger. "Get it?"

It took a moment for Peyton to get the joke, but once she understood, she let out a laugh. Marcy's smile grew wider at her laughter. It was the pretty kind of laugh, the kind you'd want to hear every day, and any day without it would be a day of sorrow.

"But all jokes aside, Heterochromia is really cool." Marcy's smile faltered. "I think it's the only thing I like about myself." She added quietly, staring down at her half eaten french toast.

Peyton could see the storm of troubles brewing on Marcy's face. She poked half heatedly at the rest of her breakfast.

"I think it's really pretty." Peyton said to break the silence. She wanted to add 'especially on you' but she didn't want to overstep.

Marcy's face flushed as she looked back up at Peyton. Her genuine smile said it all.

"Thank you," She said. "Thank you for everything. You don't even know me yet you took me into your home, let me sleep in your bed, you even gave me some breakfast. How can I repay you?"

"You don't have to repay me. Just knowing you're safe is all the payment I need. I wouldn't have been able to sleep with a clear conscience if I let you walk home by yourself."

Marcy's heart fluttered with an airy feeling, but she pushed the flutters down.

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she stood abruptly.

"What day is it?" She asked frantically.

"What?" Peyton tilted her head.

"What day is it!" She asked again, more anxiously.

"Uh, Sunday?" Peyton replied, after checking her phone. Marcy cursed under her breath then looked around for her backpack.

"I completely forgot-I had promised my professor I'd meet up with them at the stables!" Peyton stood to meet Marcy, she grabbed her backpack she had set on the table the night before. Marcy thanked her, then headed for the door.

"Wait!" Peyton stopped her. "You'll get there faster if I drive you."

Marcy thought it over for a second, before nodding.


She was a bartender, she was a Biology major, can I make it anymore obvious?Where stories live. Discover now