Saying hello (4)

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3rd person POV:

The bright lights of morn shone through the thin fabric of the curtains, releasing bright hues of dawn into the dark bedroom where an awaking young brunette girl lay lifeless under her thick, pastel yellow sheets, shielding herself from the inevitability that is the act of waking up. (I have no idea what this is but likeeee do I care either?? no. OK ON WITH THE STORY)

"Ugh. Morning." Isla groaned as she crawled from under the comforts of her bed.

Isla hates the morning, it's too bright and people are too happy to be awake in these early hours for her liking. She thrives in the dark, she likes the night, it's calming and Isla feels it's when she can truly be herself and be productive as an individual... or well, as productive as she can be.

She groggily soaked in every ounce of her room, wondering where she was, but was brought back to the gruelling reality that is her's by the sweet smell of breakfast. Food always has and always will be her weakness, so she hastily opened the rice paper door to her wardrobe and gazed upon whatever the fuck was in front of her.

'What. The. Actual,' she thought as the final words escaped her lips in real time, "Fuck?". The uniform to her new school was neatly folded and hung on a hanger 'Mccuse me?,' she thought there was some sort of mistake as she lifted the knitted jumper and shirt off the hanger to reveal her worst nightmare underneath. A skirt.

"Oh hell to the no bitch" she stormed outside her room and down the stairs to where the devine smell of food was coming from.

2nd person POV:

"Ah Isla, your awake" greeted Ichiko with a motherly grin. 'Damn you, you always know how to get me' you internally tutted at her power of making you turn soft in an instant.

"Oh uhhhh yeah I am... heh heh," you mentally scolded yourself for being so awkward, "umm Han- I mean Ichiko?"

"Yes dear?"

"About the school uniform,"

Ichiko only hummed in response as a gesture for you to continue.

"D-do I have to wear a skirt? They make me rly uncomfortable..."

"Oh deary no you don't have to if you don't want to, I'll go up to my room and get you a pair of appropriate trousers and phone the school as to why your not in the typical school uniform for the time being."

She gave you a yet another bright smile and walked over you, "I know being in a new country can be scary and a new school as a third year can be quite daunting so just do what your comfortable with ok?"
She gave you a quick hug and quietly went up the stairs to not wake anyone in the house up while you just awkwardly stood there, unable to process what had just taken place.

'She's calling the school for me?' 'She just hugged me, an adult just hugged me... why?' You were so shook by the event that had just taken place that you didn't notice the other person walking down stairs as you slowly turned to go up them.

"Morning Muuuu..." the other person, a boy around your age you guessed, stopped and stared at you.

"Uhhhh..." his eyes scanned across you, confused as to why they was another person in his house, a girl more specifically. You gazes met and you exchanged glances as his face went beet red. You looked down at yourself, checking to make sure you weren't naked or something. You weren't though, you were just in your sweats and a t-shirt so his deep blush was more confusing than ever now.

"Umm... w-who are yo-"
"Oh Takahiro I see you've met Isla" Ichiko smiled
"Takahiro huh?," you said sounding unamused, "so your Ichiko's son I'm guessing?" You using his first name made him blush even deeper than before (if that's even possible), causing only a grunt and a nod to come from the boy in response.

He quickly rushed by you and sat at the dinning table trying to cover every once of his blush-filled face in his hands.

'Hmm, weird... I like it' you thought as a slight smirk came to your face, 'this could be interesting.'

~Time skip cuz like no one cares abt ppl getting changed and if u do... uhhh jus imagine I wrote something BOOM best author of the year~

You came down the stairs again, this time in your uniform, not your pjs. You sat at the dinning table across from Takahiro and gazed happily at the plate of bliss in front of you. You immediately started to dig into your plate of toast and eggs, getting a chuckle from Takahiro in response to you childlike actions.

"Wot?" You questioned his strange attitude with your mouth full of bread. He sweatdropped at your deadpan expression and turned to his mother, who was sipping on some tea at the head of the table.



"Why is Ito wearing the boys uniform?"

You looked at him confused as no one has ever called you by your surname before.

"Oi Taka," you called as you wiped your mouth from finishing your meal, "call me Isla, it's weird to call me Ito."

'Taka' was now staring at you again, unable to process how you managed to call him by his first name and give him a nickname in the span of one sitting.

"Takahiro it's rude to stare," his mother cut off his actions and took him out of his daze, "Isla is wearing the boys' uniform because she doesn't feel comfortable wearing the girls', and also yes call her Isla because she will be a part of our household until further notice."

"Oh uhhh ok... hi Isla I'm uh Hanamaki Takahiro as you already know." He gave you a kind smile, similar to his mother's which eased your heart almost as fast as Ichiko's smile did.

"Hello Taka, I'm Ito Cassidy Isla as your probably aware as well-"

"Why do you have that funny accent-"


"Nahhh don't sweat it," you replied, reassuring Ichiko that it was all ok, "I'm half Irish dickwad, (italicised words are in English btw) that's why I tAlK fUnNy" you said emphasising the last few words in a more dramatised accent which lead him to just stare at you more than he already did. He gave you a look of confusion.

"What did you say?"

"Hmm?" You hummed in response, trying to play innocent.

"That word you said, it wasn't Japanese so what was it?"

"I have no idea what on earth you are talking about Takahiro" you claimed, sarcasm evident in your tone.


Takahiro just stares at you in awe of how relaxed you were being towards a guy you just met this morning 'she's an interesting one alright' he thought as he watched you get up from your seat at the table and go put on your shoes.

"Are you gonna just sit there and stare some more, or are you gonna come with me?" You asked mischievously while smirking at him.

"Oh uhhhhh y-yeah I'm coming" he stuttered, taking a seat next to you and you childishly shot up and jumped around to make sure your shoes stayed on nice and tightly, earning a small chuckle from him as he watched you skip to grab both yours and his school bag off the sofa, handing it him once his shoes were on and he was ready to go.

'This could actually be fun' you thought.


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