Chapter One

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Hey loves! Welcome to the first chapter of the sequel, hope you enjoy! Please leave comments and suggestions about things you want me to include! This is your story too!




You destroyed the honour.
You destroyed the essence
once known as pride.
So rejective, deceiving
but can you stand the feeling
Of being caught


"Well, how did that make you feel?"

Her therapist's question barely registered in her mind as she was engrossed by the scene that unfolded past the office window. Outside, children played with each other and reveled in their simple youth and innocence, occasionally crying to their mothers who would then bandage their bruised knees or scraped elbows. Here, in this dull room, the world around them seemed to exhale in one monotonous breath. '

Dr. Maguire, perched on a worn and tattered arm chair, had her hands folded across her knee with poised anticipation for her reply. Each word she said hung in the air like wet paint, soaking the two in the dark reality of Clare's past until the truth prevailed. Clare noticed Dr. Maguire's eyes narrow with impatience, and Clare cast her gaze away from the window.

"I'm sorry?" The girl asked sheepishly, embarrassed that her mind had wandered so far from the present conversation.

"Your father, how did you feel when you finally saw him again?"

~ two years earlier ~

Peter Current burst through the doors of the Addenbrooke Children's hospital with a pained look on his face. His eyes scanned  the waiting room to find many other anxious parents gathered there, whose hysteria matched his own.

The room was buzzing with a skittish atmosphere, and nurses flitted about to speak to the occasional sobbing mother. Mr. Current grabbed the arm of a nurse hastily, for he received the telephone call last night and had been traveling ever since.

"Ma'am I need to see my daughter please" he said, his voice thick and trembling with anxiety. The nurse looked around at the clusters of parents around him and Mr. Current guessed by the lack of surprise in her gaze that the nurse had this exact conversation many times prior to his arrival. She looked down at her clipboard and gave him a delicate slip of paper which he clutched in his left hand.

"Sir" said the nurse tiredly, "if you would please wait here and fill out th-"

"It is urgent ma'am I need to see my child" Mr. Currents' voice was creeping up in volume, and this subtle change turned the heads of many parents who were desperate from any sort of distraction from their incessant worrying.

"I am afraid you need to fill out this form so we can identify your child and we -"

"MY DAUGHTER IS THE ONLY GIRL WHO WAS ON THAT FUCKING ISLAND AND I HAVE TRAVELED ACROSS THE FUCKING ATLANTIC OCEAN TO GET HERE SO YOU DAMN WELL BELIEVE I AM NOT FILLING OUT ANY DAMN FORMS UNTIL I SEE MY DAUGHTER!" Mr. Current's face turned as red as the hair of the woman standing next to him, and now every parent's attention was turned towards him. Many began muttering phrases about loud and stupid Americans who have no respect for British manners.

The nurse lowered her head in embarrassment and opened her mouth in preparation for another protest until the two heard a voice echo out into the waiting room from the hospital corridor.

Destroyed in Pieces - Lady and the Flies SequelWhere stories live. Discover now