Chapter 3

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Hey loves!! Thanks for all the support on this book! You don't know how much joy it brings me to read all of your comments! Thanks for sticking with me this long, even if I take forever to upload haha. (I'm trying to be better about that guys I promise) For now, please enjoy chapter 3!! :)



I have some memories
for the days I don't feel anything
at least they remind me not to make the
same mistakes again


Clare seemed to be frozen in time, a fossil of fear as she locked eyes with the familiar boy in front of her. His icy blues seemed to pierce her soul and for a split second, she almost saw paint on his cheeks and murder in his eyes. Her dean looked puzzled and her gaze flickered between the two teens. Clare was silently shaking at the Dean's side, her mind concocting  the worst of worst-case scenarios. Jack looked bewildered, his mouth agape, and his books were sprawled out by his feet, dropped instantly when he cast his eyes on the oh so familiar girl. The corners of her mouth quirked up slightly in apprehensive confusion.

"Have you two met before?" She questioned, sensing the familiarity emanating off of them. Clare nodded her head violently and tried to send telepathic messages to the dean, silently praying that the only adult in the room could sense her fear. Jack cleared his throat slightly under his breath which made the dean tilt her head to face him, awaiting his response eagerly.

"Yeah..." Jack's words trailed off, as if he lost his voice, but then, regaining his composure, he managed to whisper "you could say that." Clare detected a glint of humor in his eyes as he uttered that phrase. She guessed Jack hadn't changed much since the island, and this thought was immensely troubling.

His eyes flashed back to Clare's and he slowly sank back down into his chair, a now calm expression painted on his face. That same expression he wore while kissing her, running along the beach, killing a pig, killing...Simon. Clare shuddered in fear and all of a sudden she felt lightheaded.

"I-I need to s-sit down," She said shakily as she slid into the seat across from Jack. She wrung her hands absentmindedly and looked back up at the terror sitting across from her. She wanted to run away and hide, but this time there was no jungle to conceal her, no Ralph to shield her, and no Piggy to talk some sense into her. She looked up at her dean pleadingly, but it was to no avail for the dean mistook their shock as joy. A grin was now plastered on her face.

"Well isn't that lovely!" She said, her voice almost sounding artificially sweet. Clare's mind was screaming at her mouth to say something, to tell her that Jack was a monster, to get the fuck out of there. But her mouth remained shut, as if someone was covering their hands over her lips to smother her. "I'll leave you two to catch up then" The dean said with a grin. The old woman flashed a small smile at her two students and turned on her heel and left. The door clicked softly behind the two and Clare looked down at her lap in defeat. Holy fuck the door! Her mind screamed at her and her legs eventually followed suit. Clare bolted for the door as if her life depended on it, and for all she knew it probably did. She got up from her chair sliding it backwards which emitted a loud screeeeech. Clare winced slightly at the sound but was soon brought back to the present situation by her palpitating heart. Her hand reached out for the brass doorknob, she sensed freedom on the other side. It was vaguely reminiscent of how she felt when she tasted the sweet flavor of rescue. I gotta get out of here, He's gonna kill me, I need to get out or he -


Jack's voice cut through the dense silence like a knife. Clare's body visibly tensed and her hand recoiled from the doorknob as if it were a hot pan. Her back shuddered with her breaths and her feet were rooted to the ground in trepidation. His voice penetrated her soul and seemed to paralyze her. Clare remembered she had her back turned to the boy, which was never a smart idea. She wheeled around to face him, and if on instinct, she brought her hands up to cover her face as if he were to hit her. However, she realized he was still in his chair and she blushed sheepishly. For a split second, she began to study him. He looked so out of place, navy jeans and a dark green Burberry sweater replaced tattered shorts and bare chest. His hair was now cut, but still long at the front, and his freckles dotted his cheeks like stars against the night sky. She now noticed that he looked tired. Dark circles were prominent against his pale skin and he looked very thin, even for an athlete. Stop worrying about him, stupid. The guy is a fucking murderer you dumbass. Her thoughts caused her to scowl slightly at Jack and he responded by sighing and looking down at his lap.

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