Chapter 4

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     "He's waking up."

     "He still looks pail."

     "Was it a little much to him?"

     "Hush, he's about to wake up."

     I opened my eyes, I looked around, Silver, Daphnie, Lily, and the male were looking over me. I yawned and looked over there eyes. My own head was pounding.

     "What happened?" I asked.

     "You passed out after you learned that you'd be an Uncle in a couple of months." Daphnie said to me. Even in a daze and half asleep, she was an angel to me.

     "We should get going again, we're getting close to the Night Fury Mountains, I just know it!" Silver said happily.

     "Maybe we could go with you." Lily said, Silver and I nodded happily. Daphnie shrugged.

     "Fine with me." She said, her voice was music to my ears.

     "Lets go!" Lily said. We all took off together. I was in the back, still worried. I heard a roar and looked back.

     "Lightning!" I yelled. All the others screamed and flew on. I went faster but not fast enough. A blast his me and I fell.

     "Night!" Daphnie yelled and chased after my falling body. I was spiraling and twirling, I couldn't feel anything but pain. The blast hit me in the right spot that it made me almost completely limp. As I stopped spiraling and I started to fall with my back facing the ground, I could barely see Lightning chasing after us behind Daphnie. He gave another blast and it missed Daphnie just barely and I felt more pain on me as it his me on the stomach and lower down, on my abbes more like. I fell down faster and fell into a field of Fireweed, also known as Dragon nip. Daphnie landed and shaded us with the grass, Lightning looked for us. He couldn't find us. He flew off in anger and went the opposite direction of the others.

     I was panting hard and I couldn't feel anything but pain. I made a grunting pained noise. Daphnie came over to me and she tried to calm me down.

     "Shh. Let me see. Let me see, Night." I couldn't help myself. When she looked into my eyes I basically melted into the grass. She looked at the burn marks on me, some scales were gone, explaining the pain. She slipped one of her paws over my chest to see the wounds on my face better, I barely realised I fell into allot of thorn branches and some blood was leaking out of my deformed scales. She looked to my eyes and said calmly.

     "They aren't that bad. You'll be fine soon." She was like an angel, so calm, so gentle, how could she ever like me?  Her gaze locked with mine, we looked into each others eyes for a while. I couldn't help myself, my heart thudded hard as her sweet violet colored eyes sparkled. She closed her eyes in one swift move and set her lips agents mine. My eyes widened in shock, was she kissing me? Really? Was this a dream? I soon grew into it,  I closed my eyes and my scales stopped hurting for some reason. She leaned back, we both opened our eyes. She was even more of an angel now.

     "Sorry, I saw something on your lips. I-" I stopped her.

     "I understand." I said to her. She blushed lightly and then a smile tugged at her mouth. She slipped off of me.

     "We should get going. I told the others to go on. We're on our own now." She said. I got up and shook the tempting scented grass off of my back. Daphnie waited for me, the blasts had hurt me bad enough to where I couldn't fly till my wounds were healed. I ran up to her and we ran on together.

     Time passed, it was turning to night. I tried to fly every now that then, only able to go for a few seconds before falling back down. We both walked on, Dadphnie's actions still made my heart feel like it was as light as a feather. Daphnie stopped and looked around with her head behind a bush.

     "What is it?" I asked her. She looked to me.

     "We're here." She said with a smile and looked back to the area.

     I ran up and looked behind a bush, some blood had dripped down and dried on the side of my face. I blinked as I saw Night Furies hanging around, having fun. I saw Lily there, and she saw us. She ran up and looked at me.

     "Night, you're hurt!" She said in fear. Silver trotted up and her new friends looked to her.

     "I'm fine." I said as I was dragged out from behind the bush, Daphnie followed me. One of the new Night Furies walked up, she was sturdy and sleek, but nothing like Daphnie. She looked over my wounds.

     "He has been harmed by one of us." She said as she lifted her head from my wounds. The Night Fury crowd murmured in fear.

     "By who?" One voice came. I sat down, it hurt so I fell down into a laying position.

     "Who do you think?" She closed her eyes and sighed. "Lightning has made his mark again." Gasps of fear came from the crowd. The sound of heavy paw-steps came and lighter ones making way for the larger pair. I saw two paws stop in front of me, they were old scales and needed to be shed off soon. One paw had a scar and a claw missing. I followed the legs to a body that led to a head. The Night Fury was old, yet looked strong. He looked like my father and Lightning mixed together. His eyes were a silvery color like Silver's.

     "This, is no ordinary Night Fury." He said, even his voice showed how many winters he was. "This Night Fury, is my Grandson." He said as he got closer and looked at my eyes. He leaned back and said, "Your sisters have told me everything that has happened. I assure you, we will protect you and your family as well as we can." He was the oldest elder, I could tell. I bowed my head in respect.

     "Thank you, Grandfather." I said to him and looked back to him.

     "Heheheh. You have the same manners as your father." He said as he walked away. I looked to the ground, Daphnie walked up and laid beside me.

     "I'll sleep with your tonight." She said to me sweetly. I smiled to her.


     Silver and Lily came up.

     "Now don't leave us out of this." Silver teased as they laid down next to us.

     "What happened out there?" Lily asked, when she laid down her stomach looked larger than it really was.

     "Um...." Daphnie and I looked to each other and back to the two girls in front of us. "Nothing." Daphnie said.

     "He's clueless." Lily said to Silver. Silver nodded in agreement.

     "Goodnight." I said as I laid my head down and closed my eyes. Daphnie laid her head down close to me and my eyes shot open and saw her falling asleep on my side. A smile tugged at my mouth. Lily and Silver giggled and went to sleep. I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep with the girls.

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