Chapter 10

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     I woke up, about a week had passed since my grandfather was killed. I looked to Daphnie, she was outside getting fresh air. I got up and walked to her. She gave a happy, purr like sound to me. I looked around, two little new young adult Night Furies ran on, the one in lead looked back and then ran on again. I looked to the one chasing the one in front, she looked like my mother and Lily one second, then she looked back to her pure black scales. My eyes widened in shock and then I shook my head.

     "Are you alright, Night?" Asked Daphnie. I stopped shaking my head and opened my eyes to look to her.

     "Yea, just thought I saw something." I said to her and then looked back to where I was. It looked like it was going to rain. I got up and looked to Daphnie, "I'm going to go and look on the other side of the camp grounds." I said.

     "Be careful. It's dry but there might be a storm. Dry lightning always hurts worst." She teased. I gave a smile and glided past the land and then landed on the other side. I looked around, the sun was shining but the storm clouds made it darker than usual. I heard a crack of thunder and heard a swoosh. I looked up in shock. A flash of lighting came and almost blinding me with its sharp color. I opened my eyes again to be attacked by a dark gray Night Fury.

     "Lightning! Lightning is attacking again!" Yelled one Night Fury. I threw the one that tackled me off of me and ran to Daphnie. Before I could even reach the den and my eggs, I was tackled to the side. I growled and threw the dragon off me and flew to Daphnie again. I saw in the cave, Daphnie cowering above the eggs and Lightning's dark shape in front of her. I was pinned down again and was wounded badly on my arm. I threw the attacker off of me and shot up in time to see Lightning take a shot at Daphnie and see her fall down.

     "Daphnie, no!" I said in fear and loss. My eyes went into slits and I couldn't think. I was outraged and, if I was a Nightmare, I'd be in flames right now. I roared loudly in the cave. Lightning turned his gaze to me and laughed. Dry lightning cracked again, the light made the cave do dark, light, dark, then normal.

     Lightning growled and made his basilisk sound and then grabbed all four eggs and flew up, past me, and out of the cave. I roared again and flew fast to him. I dashed on fast, faster than he was. I bumped into him when we were over an ocean and travailing to where the Red Death was. He let go of my eggs and they fell. I gave an angered roar and flew down to them. I closed in my rudders and shot down. I caught the smallest one but the rest went in the water. I couldn't let my egg get wet, Night Fury eggs weren't meant to get wet. I closed my eyes and some tears fell out of them. I shot open my eyes and they were in dangerous slits. Lightning had gone too far this time. I flew up to him and shot a fireball at him and made sure my egg was tucked close in my arm. Lightning gave a roar of pain and started to dive bomb down to the forest. I made a quick turn and dashed as fast as I could back to the campgrounds. I set my egg down carefully and then stood in front of it. I looked around. All Night Furies were in battle. I gave a loud, continuous roar and all the Night Furies stopped what they were doing and the ones that didn't live there flew off in fear. I ended my long note and opened my eyes, huffing. I looked around. All the Night Furies knew something had happened. I felt liquid flow down my cheeks and I picked up my egg in my mouth and flew over to the den in sad dispair. Daphnie still laid there. I gave a sad, mournfully roar and the Night Furies outside looked in and realised why I was so upset. My heart felt like it had been taken out of my chest and torn to sheds. Dry lightning cracked again and a thunder rolled. I could hear the roar of a Thunder Drum in the distance, probably thinking that the thunder was a mating call. I closed my eyes and set my head down on Daphnie's dead body, I could still smell her sweet scent. I made a sad moan and opened my eyes. I had lost everything but the one egg I saved. I looked outside, there were two Night Furies closer to the entrance then the others. They looked to me with longing eyes and I sighed.

     "Take Daphnie's body to the large patch of Fireweed. I'll bury her there later." They nodded and walked in. They carefully took her body in one paw and flew out of the cave carefully. I moved the small egg closer to me and curled up to it. It made a cracking sound and I saw red lines on it. My eyes widened. I got over to and hid every open corner around it, so that it couldn't get hurt when it hatched.

     I moved around when I felt something tickling at me. In the middle of where the egg shells were resting, was a dark navy blue female Night Fury with light gray markings and paws, she had black dots on her and lighter rudders and the end of her wings were the same as her rudders. She blinked open her eyes, one was a purple of Daphnie's and one was my eye color. I looked at her. She was all I had now. I laid down next to her and she curled up in my arms. I closed my eyes and whispered to her.

     "Your name shall be Dawn, and I won't let anything hurt you. Ever." My voice was sweet and calm. She looked up to me and spoke slightly.

     "Who's my Momma?" I sighed.

     "Your mother was killed today. But, I won't let anything hurt you, Dawn." She looked to the ground, laid her head down, then curled up again and fell asleep. I followed her and closed my eyes, allot had happened and I wasn't sure if it was still day or anything, but I slept the rest of the day and all night, curled up with my new daughter, Dawn.

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