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Context : Chapter 211 Unordinary

Episode 1:

Third Revamp

John just beat the crap out of smol Blyke (very badly).


As the threat had been stopped, the boy started to cool down. He looked down at the inanimate body and added a few more punches to the ribs which created strange muffled air sounds. His head rose to look up at the window the two had fallen from, two teenagers were spectating the fight from there, a magenta haired girl alongside an orange haired boy.

He contemplated whether going back up would be necessary. John was tired of caring about retarded teenager issues, he just turned around and left. A breeze of wind ended swooping the aggression away as he walked out of the scene. A few literature classes remained in the afternoon, it was a little past noon and he wasn't really fond of those, so he decided to take the day off.

The dorms compose a separate building from the actual main school one. Students had to go through a wide-open square in front of the main entrance then cross a small park to the East, the walk was a little long but they stayed in the campus the entire time.

The sun was going down, and the increasing obscurity came with a cold weather . John was walking through the park when he was stopped by quiet leaves friction sounds in the trees. Despite a well observation of his surroundings, he couldn't find the origin of the noise. His stare stopped at a distant tree, he watched it for a few seconds before it hit him.

John could distinguish two wide yellow eyes staring at him. He focused on them and started seeing a shape. It was camouflaged well, blended in the tree branches. The two orbits started moving with 2 pointy ears sharing the motion. The boy understood the shape of the creature's head, it rotated in a strangely smooth way. Nothing moved but the animal's face. Only after a few more winks could he realize what he was looking at. It was a bird. The pointy ears, the wide eyes and the wood bark camouflage, it was for sure a horned owl. They stared at each other for a while before the bird flew away in silence and the teenager resumed his way to the dorms.

During the walk he tried to make sense of the presence of a Great Horned Owl in a mostly urban area. There indeed was a forest near the city but it was very far from there. Foxes were known to wander in the city during the night to search the trash bins like raccoons, and there were rumors of alligators living in the sewers. But owls, that was a rare sight, they almost always stayed in the forest and their rare encounters with humans were near farms, hence the name given to one of the species, Barn owls, that were more common to witness. Ultimately he stopped trying to reason the appearance and just enjoyed the aestheticly pleasant memory he had made.

In front of the Dorm building was a small baroque fountain with the main entrance behind it. The fountain was disabled temporarily, but the green bronze faded sculptures decorating it were still a pleasing sight. He made his way to the doors and entered the main building's hall. Facing the entrance, there was a long counter to receive newcomers but also serve the residents. The place was high and wide, some sort of lounge. Students could hang out and meet up there, a few were seated around on the various couches, chatting, playing cards or on the pool table.

John walked to the elevator and pushed down the call button. He sensed someone creeping behind him. The person was very close to him, awkwardly close. The elevator's doors opened, John entered and turned around to face the creep. It was a green haired girl with noticeable purple eyes. She looked pretty but still imposing. John was already familiar with her, thus he was not affected by her charms. She entered after him, he tightened up and hugged the elevator's wall. The young girl frowned at him.

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