Spray and Pray

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John felt a little tired, sore from his workout, but he always enjoyed a good fist fight. One of the boys put his guard up and quickly walked to him, the other one followed behind him without bothering protecting himself. The guarded one was skinny but lean, the back dude was a heavy weight, the later would be the most dangerous. For now, he only worried about Zeke standing back up behind him. He stopped, turned back, and jogged to Zeke, the others quickly followed him, he kept a good 3 meters between them.

Zeke stood up in the meanwhile, he saw John rushing to him before he was thrown again, this time on his 2 teammates. John felt the adrenaline pumping in his blood. The skinny one attacked, he went for 2 jabs and then directly sent a Head kick that John dodged by leaning backwards. The attacker followed almost instantly, he started spining, sent a back leg and went for a hook to fully use his momentum. John saw the hook coming while he blocked the legs, but also the big boy in the back closing from behind his current adversary.

After the back leg he quickly closed in on the kicker, went under the hook and replied full force with his own hook on the attacker's jaw. The receiver fell down, stunned. John quickly shifted his focus to the bigger one. He was fully extended, this meant he would move too slow, plus he was in the centre alone, thus a clean target.

He did not have the time to react, John was hit by what felt like a train, he was pulled up from the ground and then the same weight fell on him as he touched the ground. Despite his strong abdominals and neck, John was stunned, he had trouble breathing and the entirety of his torso was hurting. He also felt the weight on him, the bear went on mount position and started punching him. It was a very bad situation to be in for John, the others will soon come back to help the big boy. John stood up a little and grabbed the opponent's hair. Then he placed his foot on the ground, pushed and stood up into a bridge pose, he quickly shifted his waist on a side while bending one knee. Now that the space between the attacker's legs was created, he pulled his knee and put it on the attacker's, he pushed it down while freeing his other leg and hitting the dude's head and pulling on his hair to distract him.

He felt a big hit on the side of his head and huge headache followed. Someone had kicked him on the face, it was bad. He pulled himself out of the mount guard and spined on the ground while keeping his hand grips. He received another big kick on the face that stun him a little, but he continued his manoeuvre and completely freed himself. He quickly stood up but took a lot of damage from both Zeke and his friend.

The ground session gased him out and he was just back from a workout, John knew the fight would be ending soon. He turned around to Zeke that didn't know how to fight. John charged him. Jab, cross, evaded a wild hook and sent a side uppercut that put Zeke on the ground. He quickly got behind the boy and faced the lean striker. John started kicking the back of Zeke's head as both revenge and neutralisation but had to stop when he was attacked.

He backed off in the corridor and turned a corner. Now he was out of sight and his enemies didn't know what to expect. He had an opportunity but very low amount of time. A crimson red extinguisher on a pillar caught his eye, it was only a few meters from him. He pulled it off quickly then came back to the corner. Now John had at least one enemy down for sure.

Zeke's friends appeared at the same time, ready to take hits. John sprayed the burning cold vapor on them, lifted the extinguisher and slammed it on the lightweight which was instantly knocked out and fell on the ground. He tried doing the same with the bigger teenager but had more troubles. Now his opponent was screaming in rage, opened his eyes and charged at him despite his troubled vision. John jogged back a little, started to spin around to gain speed. He had the time for only two short spins, aimed and prayed his guardian angel (that had saved him so many times from danger) to make it work, he knew he had only one shot at this.

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