Chapter 2: Alpha

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Sebastian is in shock looking at his father's corpse on his bed. He goes to Coleman and places his hand on his chest. He tries to find a heartbeat, but all he finds is...


It didn't take long for Sebastian to burst out into tears, falling onto the ground, absolutely broken down into pieces. He's on his knees, slamming his fist against the ground whilst screaming and crying out in anger. Anna goes down on her knees and wraps her arms around him, comforting him in the loss of his father. Sebastian begins to ask who would do that to him. He asked who would want to kill a retired veteran who can't even use magic anymore. He kept asking and asking then he remembered the nobleman he ran into and that lost his cool. Corwin, but why would a nobleman with one of the rarest wand types in the world want to kill Coleman? Nothing made sense to him so tried to convince himself that it wasn't Corwin, but then who would want to kill him?

Anna let go of Sebastian and went to his father's corpse. Her eyes suddenly widen as she turned to Sebastian.
"Sebastian, please, don't look up," Anna pled, but his curiosity couldn't be contained anymore and he looked at his father's body and saw a knife in his hand. His eyes were then filled with even more tears as he yelled out and started cursing the heavens above then cursing his father's lifeless body. Anna tried to calm him down, but his eyes were filled with anger, rage, disbelief, grief, sorrow and so much sadness that his once happy-go-lucky aura turned sombre almost instantly. Anna took a step back and said that she would stay the night with him to make sure that he stays safe. He didn't answer and only continued to weep whilst holding his father's hand. She went to the kitchen to prepare a meal, but Sebastian didn't eat that night. The now wistful young boy sat with his deceased father all throughout the night.

The next morning, Anna went to his father's room. As she entered, she saw Sebastian sitting on his father's old chair next to his bed. His eyes are red and baggy.
"Did you not sleep well, Sebastian?" the young knight asked only to be told that he didn't sleep at all the previous night. She spent the night awake in order to make sure that no one would come to attack, but she didn't expect Sebastian to have been doing the same. She went to him and asked if he was hungry. He didn't respond. He spent his entire life with his father. He never had anybody else. It's only ever been the two of them. Now he has nobody. He's seventeen so he's too old for the orphanages in the city and rest of the kingdom. I'll just take him in until he gets on his feet. Anna thought to herself. Then spoke aloud, "Hey. Let me-"
"Anna," Sebastian interrupts her before she can finish speaking. "I've been thinking about this the whole night long and I've decided that I'm going to become a mage. I need answers and this why I'll be able to find them,". Anna simply nods, but then asked what's he going to do after he finally gets answers and what if the answer he wants isn't the one he's going to get. She kept questioning and questioning him.
"And what if Coleman did kill hi-". "MY FATHER IS NOT SUCH A COWARD!" Sebastian interrupts again. All the pain, anger and guilt overflowed within him and caused him to blow up at Anna like that. She was taken aback by his outburst and slapped him across his face, leaving a red hand mark.
"NOW YOU LISTEN HEAR SEBASTIAN! YOU HAVE TO TAKE EVERY POSSIBLE OUTCOME INTO ACCOUNT BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T THEN YOU'RE GOING TO END UP DEAD AS WELL! DO YOU HEAR ME!?" she yelled. She took a breath then calmed down a bit and started talking to calmly again. Anna apologized for slapping him and for losing her cool. He does the same, but then looks back at her and says that he still wants to get his gates opened.

She let out a sigh as she stated that she cannot hold him back from doing what he wishes. Sebastian stood there with an empty expression on his face as he looked at Coleman once more. He turned around and slowly started walking away from both of them. His fist is clenched so hard that blood slowly starts to drip from his hand as his nails pierced his skin. Anna's face is covered in worry as she fears the anger that is brewing inside of Sebastian. As he left the house she starts writing on a piece of paper. She placed her finger tip on the paper as it began to glow and suddenly started floating. It gets sent flying across the kingdom, soaring over the endless amounts of forests, deserts, mountains and rivers until it reached a castle Tundra. A young servant bursted into the main throne room of the castle and falls on her knees when she saw the knight sitting comfortably with his lance in his hand.
"I-I apologize my lord. I didn't mean to be so rude and disrespectful, but a message was sent by Lady Anna of the house of Simmons. She placed a spell on it that only a member of the Twelve Holy Pillars can open so I needed to bring it to you Sir Nicholas of the house of Allen," the servant explained. Nicholas merely gestured with his hand to bring it and then waved at her to leave the room as soon as she gave him the letter. The note stated:

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