A Word from the Authoress: Spotify Playlist

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Well, since I've managed to find more time on my hands, I've been able to get back into the world of Ylva and her friends! I've been working on the next big update (the penultimate chapter of Victory or Sovngarde!), and I've wanted to find even more ways to get into Ylva's head.

I've always loved making playlists for characters, both canon and original. First I was on Apple Music, but now my husband and I have subscribed to Spotify Duo. Last night, I began the process of building Ylva's playlist! I'm super excited about it and I'm looking forward to delving deeper into my favorite Harbinger's psyche through song.

Now, the playlist is in no way complete, so if any of you were to have suggestions for different songs to add to this growing list, by all means! I'm pretty open minded about music, but sometimes, I tend to listen to the same few artists over and over. I don't always get the best exposure to different sounds, so I'll listen to anything suggested!

Here's the link to the playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/166fWdJoHHouJrsHzxYvCS?si=8k7q0BMQSVSijExlAXitlw

Edit: I've been informed that the link does not work, so I will tell you the name. I've called The Dragonborn Comes, and the image will be the same as the image I've attached to this chapter.

Look for a new update soon! I've been on a roll the last few days, and I'm stoked to get more published!


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