Meeting her

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Today I'm going to fly to L.A to visit my cousin Madi...yes madi as in the famous tiktok star madi Monroe..I'm really excited cause I haven't seen her in almost 2 years since she moved to L.A to live her dream as being a famous tiktoker l.It's been awhile and now she lives in some hose called not a content house.That's where I'm going to stay for a month.Anywaysssss,I'm getting on the plane rn.My flight is 4 hours then madi is gonna pick me up from the airport.Fast forward 4 hours(I'm lazy) I just got of the plane and rn I'm waiting for Mari to pick me up.I turn around and I see madi,I start to run towards her jumping into her arms giving her a huge hug.Next
to her I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.I say to her hi I'm Elle (lmao sorry forgot to say that's your name😂😂)then she says hi I'm Anna.Now we're getting out the car walking into the house.Right when I get inside I say damn this house is huge.Madi comes up to me and says let me introduce you to everyone.So this is Eva,Cynthia,Ava,Lauren,Dev,and Anna you already met her though.Then madi says Anna can you show Elle her room please.Anna kindly agrees.we walk into my room and it's amazing it has  of L.E.D lights vines pictures and more(lol idk)You jump on your bed and scream of excitement.Anna offers to help me unpack I took her offer and said yes.I mean I couldn't say no she's so cute I need to get to know her.I ask Anna if she has a nickname I can call her she tells me I can call her boon.Then she ask if it's ok if she calls me bub I say of course......

LMFAOOOOO this is my first story ik it's bad I'm just bored and in school so yea😂😂😋😘

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