Fun day

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Today me and the girls in not a content house are going to go to a amusement park.tbh I was really exited I love amusement parks so much.It was about 7:00 am when I heard my door open and then I felt somebody jump on me yelling me to wake up in a happy voice.I knew it was Anna.I said noooo in a grumpy voice that's when I remembered that we were going to six flags.I got up and kicked Anna out of my room so I could get ready(outfit in next part)We got in the car and I sat next to Anna and was a 2 hour drive.30 mins into the drive I look over to see Anna sleeping on my shoulder.In my head I say awwwww she's so cute🥰 .secretly I take a pic of her so she didn't know.Now we are at the amusement park riding all the rides.we have rode about 7 rides but now it was time for us to ride the most scary ride there.Not gonna lie I was kinda scared and so was everyone else.Now it was our turn to go on the ride and there was 3 people a row so I sat with madi and Anna.The ride started and me and all the girls got butterflies and that when Anna and madi say IM GONNA DIEEEEE.We all start laughing b fire we know it the ride was over.We all loved it so much.Cynthia says can we ride it again we all agree and go on the ride like 18 more times😂

Uhhhhhhhh yea that's that part I didn't proof read lmao😂sorry I didn't post for so long my brothers bday is today and my cousins is tomorrow so we had to set that up so yeah sorry🥳ok bye now

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