Chapter 6

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I smiled as I rested my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat for the first time. His chest moving gently as he breathed in and out as he lay there fast asleep next to me. I started to drift off to sleep just as I heard the cries of a baby. “Is it my turn?” He groaned as he rubbed his eyes as he woke up. I nodded he gave me a tired smile before getting up out of bed and making his way to the other room. I got out of bed and followed him. I watched as he walked over to the cot and lifted the little boy into his arms. Cradling him until his cries stopped. Rocking him gently in his arms soothing him. “You’re such a great dad.” I smiled at him as he places the baby gently back into his cot to sleep. “He just needed a cuddle.” He smiled at me pulling me into a hug. “He’s the best thing to happen to us isn’t he?” I smiled looking over at the already sleeping baby. “And you two are the best things to happen to me. You brought me back.” Tom smiled and places his lips gently on mine. 

“Jess! Jess? Will you wake up?” I awoke to Tom shouting and shaking me. “What is it? I’m trying to sleep?” I asked rubbing my eyes from the light that was now shining in the room. “You were saying my name in your sleep I thought there was something wrong?” He looked at me worriedly. “No, no was just dreaming.” I smiled at him sweetly remembering the dream and wishing it was true. “Is there no way you can live again?” I asked for Tom to just chuckle at me. “I died there is not much I can do.” He laughed more I sighed. “Yeah but you didn’t die naturally they took you!” I made my point for him to only stare at me blankly. The last few months with Tom things had been different. We spent most of our time together in a comfortable silence. We didn’t know what to say to each other. Scared to speak in case we upset ourselves. Life hadn’t been easy but we got by. Everyday we searched for my purpose but so far we came up with nothing. 

“I don’t see why we are going back here?” I asked going in a mood. “You have to have a purpose! I have to find it!” He sounded frustrated. “Maybe I’ve been put here to just love you? Ever thought of that?! All this just happened because we were meant to be!!” I shouted. I must have looked like an idiot. I always forgot only I could see Tom, others couldn’t. I was stood shouting at thin air. Well to the other members of the public that’s what it looked like. Only I saw the love of my life and it hurt. We could never get married, never have a family, and never grow old together. He will stay the same because he died. Nothing would ever be normal. “Let’s face it Tom. The only way we can be together is if I die.” I sighed looking at him. Was I finally getting him to change his tune? Was he going to let me give up my life to bed with him? Was I finally gonna be happy. I looked up at him. He was in deep thought. I could see the concentration on his face he started walking. Walking to the beach where we met. He looked out over the sea frustration present on his face. “Why are you doing this to me?” He asked calmly even though I knew he was far from calm. “Doing what?” I asked confused unaware of doing anything to him. “Making me chose. Your life which is precious or our love. You either die to be with me or live your life like a normal person. My brain tells me to keep you here but there is a big part of me telling me to let you go.” He spoke tears leaving his eyes slowly and rolling down his cheeks. He didn’t look at me once. Still deep in thought. 

I won't let you surrender - Tom Parker (The Wanted) Fan Fiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now