Chapter 2

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I awoke in a strange surroundings. It was my home, not the one I shared with Tom but my home with my mum and dad. My old house. Nothing seemed normal everything was different. I was living but didn’t feel alive. Part of me was missing, that part of me was Tom. I sighed and sat up in bed in my old room. I knew it was strange to be in my old home but nothing surprised me. Not anymore.

I groaned and got out of bed making my way down stairs expecting to be back to life before Tom. Back to the arguing, the pain, the suffering, but I was wrong. I walked into the living room to see my dad sat completely sober watching TV; I stood there shocked only to be even more shocked when my mum WALKED into the room. Confusion washed over me. Was I dead and this was heaven? But I already knew I was living why had my life changed? Was I dreaming?

“Darling when your dads away to work we need to talk.” My mum nodded at me, she didn’t seem like normal. She was still dead. That I knew. The feeling of her being here was different it wasn’t like you were in a room with a person it was like they were part of you. You only saw them because they meant a lot if they didn’t mean anything you wouldn’t know they were there, just like a piece of dust floating around in the air. Almost invisible. You will know something was not right but not know what or who it was.

“Mum can you please explain what is going on?!” I asked raising my voice slightly. I didn’t want all this, my dad told me to leave he didn’t want me so therefore I didn’t want him back. “I may not be here properly but I’m here to help, we are a family and we help each other. When Tom was helping you I was helping your father.” My mum said I just shrugged. “So instead of just letting me be happy with Tom they put me back into the life I was trying to get rid of. Dad won’t change. He doesn’t even want me.” I said as a tear rolled down my cheek she placed her hand on my knee rubbing it gently to try and reassure me. All I wanted was Tom. Not my family back, not an amazing house, not nothing. I was happy in the run down flat with the ‘man’ I loved.

He may have not saved me but it means there was a way out. I could be with him I just had to plan it properly. I could be with him in the after life together at last without my mum or dad getting in the way. Without the stupid rules just us. I sighed as I got up and walked away.

Back to the graveyard. I seemed to spend most of my time there. This time I was shocked to see Tom’s mum stood at his grave. I had never ran into her since the last time when Tom showed himself to her for the first time. I walked up to her smiling slightly she smiled as I walked over. “You know he hasn’t been to see me in 2days, I’m worried.” She said I looked at her in shock. “He’s been to see you?” I asked trying to be happy for her but the pain was too much. Why would he not come see me? He told me he loved me. “Yes he always does, usually everyday but he has just stopped. Not a word. I don’t feel him around anymore the picture of him in the army a few days before he died has also vanished.” She said worriedly. I gave her a confused look not knowing what was going on. Maybe he has been banned from returning? But I heard his voice; he told me he’d be back soon. There was still some hope left. 

I won't let you surrender - Tom Parker (The Wanted) Fan Fiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now