Part 6

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I remover teaching Pietro how to pool and laughing and having gun with him. Then i ember sitting on the couch with and doing a Harry Potter marathon and then my eyes slowly closing as a i fight the the need of sleep. During that my head must have fallen on Pietro's lap. I wake up and notice that Pietro is playing with my hair. I get up and looked at him. This is his face when i got yup.

 This is his face when i got yup

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"Um I'm sorry," i start. 

"About vhat?" He asked confused.

"Falling asleep on you," i said back.

"It fine don't worry about it," Pietro says.

"Okay how long have i been asleep?" I asked him.

"Idk i feel asleep after you," he told me. I got up of the couch to see what time it and see a text from Wanda. 

Wanda ❤️

Y/N I walked into the game room and i saw something you fell asleep on my brother 

Wanda I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to happen 

No don't apologize it apart of the plan

What plan? 

Nothing forget about get ready we are doing to Disney Land and tell Pietro to get ready but don't tell him were we are going.

Real life:

"Come on Pietro its time to go," i said putting my phone way to look at Pietro.

"Where are we going," he asked curiously. 

"I cant tell you but just come on we have got to go," i said to him as walking to my room to get ready. I see a flash of blue that mess up my hair more then it already is. 

*show off*

I get to my room and change into this.

I get to my room and change into this

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I walk up to the girls and they start laughing or smiling at me, catching all they guys attention. 

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