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Ping's pov: I hear the morning trumpets sound, so I open my eyes to greet the day. I sit up on my cot, and I realize how much pain I'm in. I stare at the wall of my tent and my eyes widen and I start to remember that what happened last night... wasn't a dream. I hear the trumpets sound once more as a "last call" reminder that we have need to be outside our tents in less than 5 minutes. So I quickly come back to reality, and I hurried up and unzipped my tent where I see a bunch of inpatient soldiers ALL WAITING FOR ME! I step out of my tent and I hear Shang yelling "PING, WHY AREN'T YOU IN FORMATION LIKE THE OTHERS?!" I just stare at him. And then I open my mouth slightly to explain why- He just interrupts and says "WELL ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME?!" I stand up straight with ferocity and say "YOU FUCKING INTERRUPTED ME BEFORE I EVEM HAD A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN THIS TO YOU, SIR!!" I look at him and my eyes start to water. He just smiles and says: "Well thank you for screaming at me. You show true courage, keep up the good work!" I just stand flabbergasted and completely shocked by what he just told me. First, he wants to be a dick and yell at me. And now, he wants to reward me for standing up for myself?! Ugh, I swear to god I cannot deal with this man's mood swings.
I lay on my cot watching Ping sleep all cuddled up in a ball, which is actually cute as fuck. I move around a little bit and I hear a whimper from ping. I don't know how or why this little faggot is attractive to me... I'd prefer a woman anyday over any guy. It's just so different with him. *sigh* I know I should take him back to his tent, in hopes that he forget's any of this ever happened. So I get up, unzip the tent, and carefully pick the sleeping Ping up and I carry him a half a mile to his tent, looking around to be sure no one sees anything. I finally get to his tent, I unzipped it and carefully set him down on the cot. He remains asleep. I slowly walk out of the tent and I see the sun start to pop out of the horizon, so I mine as well stay up and start training. ************************************
Ping's POV
I watch as Shang marches up to the front of the babbling babbling band of baboons that we are and tries to get their attention. So I notice a cannon about 50 ft away, so I run up to light it while Shang isn't looking. And then I run back in line. I kept watching and waiting for it to explode. And then BOOM. Everyone stopped moving around, and looks directly at the cannon. And then Shang screams "SOLDIERS!!" And we all look back at him. He says: "First off, I'd like to thank Ping for getting everyone's attention, including mine." I look up and everyone is staring at me with wide eyes. And I gestured them to look back at Shang. And I watch Shang as he begins to do the crooked smile. He says "SOLDIERS, TODAY WE ARE GOING TO-" And right before he said what we were doing, the Emperor's Royal Councilor came out and showed Shang what looked like to be a letter. Shang nods at him and then looks back at us. "CHANGE OF PLANS SOLDIERS, WE ARE GOING ON A QUEST!! WE ARE COMING TO THE AID OF FELLOW SOLDIERS AT THE REQUEST OF MY FATHER THE GENERAL!!" He lower's his tone of voice a bit and says, "I am giving you all an hour to pack your things, and to   collect your thoughts. Be prepared to lose fellow members and to gain. MOVE IT!" I start running to my tent. And I end up running in to Shang nor paying attention and knocking him over. After, I noticed hot food spilled on his very, muscular chest. I look at his face and I saw how angry he was getting. So I immediately start screaming "OHMYGOODNESS, I AM SO SORRY SHANG!!" He looks at me with a smile and says "I'm just surprised you could knock me over. *He laughs* And to be completely honest with you Ping, I'm surprised that you caught me off guard." I say " Oh, well again I am very sorry, I have to go get packed." He looks at me and nods in agreement. I finally finished packing. I turn around and see Shang standing there. He starts to speak and says "Hey Ping, we have 20 minutes before we go, glad to see your all packed. Can you come to my tent for a moment." I look up at him and I nod. We get to his tent, and I ask him: "So, what did you need to see me about?" I turn around and he grabs my face and says "I couldn't wait any longer, I had to see you." And he starts kissing me. I feel is full lips against mine, and the exchange of cherry flavored saliva  going in and out of our mouth. He starts rubbing my body as he kisses me moaning with a full mouth: "Oh my fucking God Ping, you're body is just- fuck." I let go from his lips, and notice him starting to get upset. I say: "Can I uhm you know, suck it for you?" Without hesitation he pushes me down on my knees with one hand, and the other he used to unzip his pants. I could see the steam coming off his hard member in the cold of winter. I grab it kinda hard and he moans "Fuckkkk, you little slut, you are such a fucking tease!" I start moving my hand up and down. And then I slightly touched my tongue to his length and he whimpers some. Finally, I put my entire tongue on it and I heard him moan louder than ever. So that engages me to make him finish asap. So I put my mouth on it and start sucking, I hear the sweet moans coming from his mouth, oh my God. He stops me and says "Baby, the only way I'm going to finish is... if you let me inside you... please" I don't know if it was the way he begged me that inticed me to let him, or how good it feels to have him inside me. But I nod and I pull my pants down, I start to turn around. He says "No, baby I want you to ride me so I can see your beautiful face." So I straddle his huge steaming member. I moan as I feel him entering me. He moans so loud. And then he grabs me and starts fucking me faster. And every thrust was just a touch of ecstasy that only tonight will own. It turned me on so fucking much to hear him cry out for me. He said "Baby I'm so close, Fff-uck I'm gonna c-comeee" I hear him scream "AHHHHH FUCKKK BABY" I feel myself come as he comes inside me. He looks at me and says "I think I love you."

Li Shang X Ping Where stories live. Discover now