02 | Crave

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Calista Snape

My father and i apparated to Platform 9 3/4. We stand on the busy platform next to the train.

Everywhere are running parents with their children.

I say goodbye to my father, because he's going to the teacher compartment and push myself through the crowd.

I step inside the train and start looking for an empty compartment. When i finally found an empty one, i put my suitcase in the rack and sit down.

After a few minutes the door opens and two girls walk in. 'Hey, can we sit here?' one of them asks.

'Yeah, of course' i answer. 'I'm Arya Richards and this is Kendra Harvey' one of them says.

'I'm Calista Snape' i say. 'Wow, didn't know Snape had a daughter' Kendra says.

'You're new at Hogwarts right?' Arya asks me. 'Yeah, i transferred from Beauxbatons Academy' i answer.

'Why did you leave?' Kendra asks me. 'Well all the girls there where real bitches, so i didn't want to spent there another minute' i say.

Which is partly true, i don't know if i can thrust them enough to tell them i came hear to become a Death Eater.

'Well girl, you have us now and i promise we're nice' Arya says. 'By the way, i think the rest of our friend group is coming in a minute' Kendra says.

Then the door opens and a handsome brunette boy walks in. 'What's up whores' he screams, then he notices me.

'Who's the hot girl?' he asks Kendra. 'Hey, i'm Noah Wilson' he says, smiling at me.

'Calista Snape, nice to meet you' i say to him. 'So you think i'm hot, huh' i say, smirking at him.

Then a second boy walks in, he looks at me. 'Hey, i'm Blaise Zabini, ignore his rude ass' he says, looking at Noah.

Noah sits down next to me and puts his arm over my shoulder. He's hot, so i don't mind he's a little touchy.

Then the last boy walks in and we lock eyes. Oh fucking hell, it's no one other than Draco Malfoy.

I ignore him and start talking to Arya. It's nice that i've already made friends. Arya told me that the whole group is in Slytherin.

So i really hope i'm in Slytherin too, even though i don't expect otherwise.

Two hours later at Hogwarts....
There i stood before the door that leads to the Great Hall. All the annoying first years where running around me.

As a transfer student, i'm last to be sorted. Fucking great....

When all the first year students are sorted, i hear my name being called.

The door swings open and i walk in. I hear a lot of people gasp by the sound of my last name.

'I didn't know Snape had a daughter'.... 'she's fucking hot'.... 'not another Slytherin' ....

I keep my chin high and walk to the stool in the front.

I feel a pair of icy blue eyes look at me but i ignore them.

I sit down and listen to the sorting hat. 'Ah....ambitious i see....clever and a thirst to prove yourself....you would do anything to achieve your goal....better be SLYTHERIN' the hat screams.

The table on the right starts shouting and clapping. I stand up and look at the table. There i see my friends and i walk towards them.

I sit down next to Kendra, 'hey girl' she says, giving me a hug. 'Hey Ken, i'm so glad i'm not one of those stuck up Gryffindor's' i say, laughing.

'So Calista, there's a party tonight in our common room, wanna come?' Blaise asks.

'Sure, if there's alcohol' i say. Everyone starts laughing, 'of course there's alcohol, you alcoholic' Arya says.

After the sorting, Arya and Kendra showed me my room. They had an extra bed in there dorm, so from now on i shared a dorm with them.

I unpacked my suitcase and had dinner with the girls.

Then we walked to our dorm to get ready for the party....

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