Chapter 5

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-Your P.O.V.-

I woke up to something delicious smelling coming into my nostrils. My eyes slowly opened and I looked around and saw that I was in a bedroom. What the hell? Why am I in a bedroom? I'm damn sure I fell asleep in Ciel's entertainment room and now I'm here. Should I go look around? It might be dangerous... Oh well I'm gonna do it anyways. I slid out of the covers and put on a jacket from my bag. I opened the doors and went out following the smell. Thanks to the magical smell I somehow found my way to the stairs. I looked both ways to see if anyone was around but it seemed like the place was empty. I walked down the stairs and instead of following the smell I figured I go check the entertainment room.

  I arrived at the entertainment room and slowly opened the door. I peeped in and my eyes widened. I opened the door more and walked in. I frantically looked around but no one was there at all. Holy fudge sticks where is everyone?! Did I oversleep? But it's 7 in the morning they wouldn't have left yet. Did everyone leave during the night as I passed out? Where's Alois or Lizzie?! Oh god I need to text them. Wait! Where's my phone?! Oh god this isn't good. Ok. Ok. Breath. Breath. Breath. Calm down. You're in Ciel's home. You're safe. I thought breathing heavily pacing back and forth trying to think and calm down. I quickly went to close the door and sat on the couch running my fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes trying to calm down but I couldn't. Just to make matters worst the doors opened.

  A tan skinned boy with golden eyes and purple wavy hair entered the room followed by another guy with white hair. When they entered I panicked and grabbed the nearest thing to me which just so happens to be a pillow cushion. I held the pillow cushion up in defense but it just flopped to the back of my hand."Who are you?!" I yelled scared.They stopped in their tracks and the guy with the purple hair looked shocked and just looked at my face. While the guy with white hair went on some defense mode also.

"Agni, she is a lady.." the guy with the purple hair said placing a hand on the shoulder of the guy with white hair.

"But Prince Soma she looks like she might hurt you." The guy with white hair responded glaring at me. Me eyes widened from fear.

"Agni.."The guy with white hair nodded and then bowed down to the guy with purple hair.

"Who are you guys?" I glared towards them.

"I am Prince Soma" the guy with purple hair said placing a hand on his chest, "and that is Agni." The guy with white hair smiled towards me. "What is your name?"

I hugged the pillow putting down my defense, "I'm (Y/n)."

"You're (y/n)?!" Prince Soma yelled in surprise. I nodded confused. "Ciel's has said so much about you! He was right when he said you are very pretty.." said blabbering on until the doors opened again.

"Hey Soma! What are you doing?" Ciel said angrily as he enter.

"Ciel! You didn't tell me the lovely (y/n) was staying here. You are so right when you said that she was-"

"There you are (y/n)!" Alois yelled from the open door. "I have been looking for you for hours!" He said walking towards me.

"Alois!" I yelled gladly finally finding him. I stood up from the couch and walked towards him to hug him.

"Alois! Didn't I tell you to stay in the dining room with the rest?!" Ciel yelled at him.

"Yes but I didn't want to." Alois smiled "I wanted to look for my (Y/n)" he evilly smiled at Ciel holding my hand. Ciel glared at him.

"Come now (Y/n), we'll eat breakfast and then leave." Alois said leading me out the room and to the dining room.

-Ciel's P.O.V.-

"Yes but I didn't want to" Alois smiled at me innocently. "I wanted to look for my (y/n)." Alois evilly smiled at me. What the hell is he doing? (Y/n) is mine and he knows that. I glared at him. "Come now (Y/n), we'll eat breakfast and then leave." Alois said leading (y/n) out the room as they left Alois whispered, "I wont just hand her to you Ciel." Fine let the games begin.



Author's Note

Heyo guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a super long time I've just been super busy with school, family, and cheer. I promise I will update as much as possible. I hope you like this chapter. Also thank you so much for voting I really appreciate it thank you so much. Also thank you for reading this story I hope you all like it so far.

Love Story (Black Butler x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang