Chapter 2

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-Your P.O.V.-  

 "Hey! (Y/n)!" said a voice behind me as I was following Alois to a table in the back with two trays in each of my hands, one for him and one for me. I stop in my tracks and turn around to see Ciel sitting with two other people a girl with blonde hair and a girl with brown hair.

"Oh, Hey Ciel!" I waved walking towards him. Then stopped setting the two trays at the edge of his table

."What are you doing with... that." He said in disgust nodding towards Alois.

"He made a scene in class and now I'm like his slave for the rest of the day." I responded.

"(Y/n)! Hurry up!!" Alois called from the table in the back.

 "My highness is waiting for me, see you later." I rolled my eyes and started to head off to Alois. Luckily he chose a table near the exit so we can leave quicker. I came over and placed his tray in front of him and mine across from him and sat down.

"Why were you talking to Ciel?" Alois asked taking a bite from his sandwich.

"Because he's my friend." I answer eating a fry.

"This sandwich is yummy, but can I have your sandwich?" He asked.

"Sure, here you go." I said handing Alois my sandwich.

"Here you go what?" Alois said leaning forward.

"Here you go your highness." I said.Alois smiled and sat back down. Then Ciel passed by and gave me a wave and I waved back.

"So, (Y/n), do you like Ciel?" Alois asked.

"Yeah, he's a good fr-"

"No, I mean like-like him."A shocked expression came upon my face while a smirk creeped on to his, "N-no of course not, god no."

Then Alois giggled, "I'm just kidding (Y/n). You don't have to be so defensive."I relaxed and nodded slowly, "Right. Okay um,"

"(Y/n)!" Alois yelled standing up.

"Yeah?" I said looking up from my seat.

"Let's go follow your lover!" Alois yelled out pointing towards the direction Ciel went.I stood up with my soda in my hand and said with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't you mean your Lover."

Right when I said that everyone was howling and "ooh-ing". I heard one person said Alois got burned. That when I noticed everyone was listening.Embarrassment fell on Alois's face and he started to get red which made me giggle.

"Shut up (Y/n)! Let's go!" Alois said storming out.

  I smirked and followed along. Once I caught up with Alois I put my arm around his neck hanging on him and taking a sip from my soda. "Come on your highness don't be like that. Wait did I use 'your highness' in the right way? It doesn't matter you know what I mean." He huffed out in a mean way turning his head away from me, "awwww, come on Your Grumpy Highness cheer up. You can have the rest of my soda," I said shaking my soda in front of him.

"Tch!" he said looking at it then pushing it out of my hands and throwing it on the floor.

"Hey! Why-"

"SHUT UP! GO AWAY!" he yelled pushing me away making me fall on the ground.

"B-but you-"

"NO! FUCK OFF!" I was to shock to move. Instead he just ran away.What just happened?

 "Hey you okay?" Said a high pitch voice behind me. I turn around to see the same blonde girl that Ciel was sitting with.

"Y-yeah, thanks."

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